Chapter 1

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(Okay so this is my original Vampire Knight Fanfiction I hope y'all love it as much as I do sorry if there's any spelling errors hopefully y'all get the gist of the word and know who I'm talking about, please like, vote, comment, or feel free to follow me and give me any suggestions on any ideas to write about I'm always open to suggestions and I do give credit to who's ever idea it is ;) thanks enjoy! Also I don't own Vampire knight, books, or anime)

I was running through a think and dark forest. But it was freezing cold outside and all I was wearing was my little nightgown that came nearly above my knees. When I pushed through the open trees I tripped and fell, landing on something very cold. I looked and saw that it was snow. Then at the other side of me was my mother and father. In their hands were two bloody rose guns with blood that was covering them. Sadly I knew that they had killed and evil pure blood who misused the power one possessed and they were now fighting and running for their lives. My mother told my father to watch as she walked over to me and wrapped her long black trench coat around me.

"Listen okay sweety, mommy and daddy have sent someone to come and get you but in the mean time I want you to stay here, close your eyes and hide under this coat....I...I'm sorry baby but....we won't be part of your future. It is up to you to take and keep the family lineage alive and become a hunter....goodbye my daughter...."she said.

I watched as a tear slid down her face. Then she stood up and pulled out two guns from behind her and started to fire. But it wasn't enough. She was tackled by four vampires! I hid under the coat and watched in horror as my mother and father were being devoured my those vampires. I sat there reliving that image in my head over and over again. Then I heard the crunching of footsteps coming closer. I started to scream when the coat was lifted up off of my face. I instantly covered my face and turned away, shaking in fear. Then the person gently lifted the coat off and grasped my shoulders and turned me to face him. When I saw the man I saw he was human and I couldn't hold back the flow of my tears and I let them run loose as I ran towards the man and sobbed into his chest. He gently patted my back.

"What's your name child?" He asked softly not wanting to frighten me even more.

I wiped my tears on my arm and spoke.

"(Y/n)(L/n)"I said with a sniffle.

I couldn't even bring the words to tell him that my family was dead. But out of the shadows I saw a boy who was about the same age as I was. He wore all white. I looked at his eyes and saw he was a vampire and I shrieked as I hid behind the man. He just softly smiled at me and motioned the other boy to come forth. I clenched his shirt tighter scared. Then the boy stepped closer and sat on the cold snow on his knees.

"You don't have to be afraid, I won't ever hurt you (y/n) my name is Kaneme, and....I'd like to be your friend..." He said.

I don't have the slightest clue, why wasn't I afraid of this vampire?? Wasn't all vampires the same? I ignored the questions in my head and suddenly my tears just stopped as I stood there amazed as I watch the boy named Kaneme put out his hand for me to grasp. I slowly with a hint of regret put my hand in his as he helped me stand up. Then the human man began to talk to me.

"You like to come and live with me at cross academy?"he asked.

I couldn't respond no I just couldn't so instead, I nodded my head. He softly smiled as he nodded his head back to my answer. It was in that moment that I knew, that this will be my new life, life without loss, A life with hope. Then as he began to walk it started to snow. White tiny little specs began to fall from the sky I don't consider them so instead I took them as a celebration for my life. A new one I would start.....


I groaned as my alarm clock went off. The annoying beeping sound had awoken me. But that annoying sound was a daily part of my every day life here at cross academy. I rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up in bed. Hello new life....

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