An unforgettable Ball

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I gracefully placed my hand into his hand. Then something hit me in my mind.

"I'm so sorry I'll be right back I um....forgot something.."I said.

Technically that wasn't a lie. I rushed up into my room and opened my closet. I moved the wall aside to reveal my hidden stash of weapons. I stuck with the little ones. I strapped on my leg holders and placed on dagger in each of the holsters. Trust me there was at least 15 on each leg. I also attached a retractable sword onto my thigh. Lastly I placed a gun on my left thigh. I placed my dress over my legs so that they would be hidden and walked out of my room. I gently grasped Kanemes hand once more and we walked out. Hanabusa explained how this dance is the only one that both the day class and the night class are able to attend together. Ruka rolled her eyes at what he said. I chuckled.

"I'm guessing you don't like the day class?"I asked.

Her eyes widened when I spoke. Let Alone when I spoke to her.

"Hmm.....I wouldn't say that I don't like the day class, however I never said that I liked them either"she responded calmly.

I smiled as she said that then we arrived at the ball. The music was loud when we entered. It was a live playing which soothing. Then i felt an uneasy presence around me but with so many people around it was uncomprehendable on which one it was. Then we walked further into the dance floor. Akuski danced with ruka, Hanabusa switched off partners with the day class students, everyone in the night class had someone to dance with. I sat off on the edge. I was never much of the dancer. Even as a child I never danced. Well, not a formal dance. You could call me and my sister Luna acting like fools on the dance floor dancing but I surely hadn't. I small tear went down my face as I thought of her. I needed some air. I saw Zero watching me as I walked outside to the balcony. I didn't care though....

The cold air from the night felt nice as the wind blew slightly on my face. The wind caused my hair to blow and my curls fell out to their usual straight (h/c) color. Then I heard someone behind me and I didn't even have to turn to know who it was.

"Hello Zero, I thought you wouldn't even want to look at me any more since you had found out what I was...."I said.

I smiled up into the starry sky as I said that. Honestly I couldn't blame Zero. Poor Zero, I had to think of his position. His family was killed by my kind. When I came here we became so close due to his past and the past that i thought was mine. It's really too bad that lies can tear friendship apart.

"Oh (y/n)....."he mumbled.

To my surprise me came and rested his elbows on the railing as I had been doing. I refused to look at him. Because if I looked into those piercing lavender eyes....I knew I would cry and break down. I needed to remain strong. Feelings are weaknesses. Those weaknesses are ones that I cannot afford in this time and place. So I kept starring at the sky.

"You made me realize something (y/n) and that is that no matter who or what someone is they are the same person. For that, I can never be mad at you. Remember you are my only exception for that, Kuran and those other bastards can go-

"Okay Zero I understand" I said laughing.
(Omg flubbing God *flips a table*i already written soooo much but then wattpad shut down and lost all of my typifying and ughhhhh!!!!!! So I'm sorry but this is gonna be a short chapter)

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