First Impression

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We all walk in the classroom and of course it was dark. Only thing that with the room was the moonlike coming from the window. I decided to stick close to that light so I perched up on the window. I got a better view of the whole classroom so I was OK though I'd rather be in my Sunlit one. Eyes are focused on the outside rather than on the inside where the teachings were going on. Even though I hated the night class for what they were, I thought I should make the most of it and enjoy it maybe even tease them it'll be fun I thought. Then the teacher came in my eyes widen when I knew who it was. I was so amazed that a vampire Hunter would teach vampires. His eyes slightly why and when he saw me then he asked me come into the front of the room. I jumped off my window ledge and landed gracefully on my feet. Ignoring the stares of the night class students I walk to the front of the room with alongside the teacher.

"Introduce yourself"he said.

"My name is (y/n) (l/n) I come from a very long line of vampire hunters, and I am and forever will be...human" I stated.

"That's a strong statement considering the people that are in the room right now"the teacher said.

"Yeah yeah old man"i joked.

"Old man? Since when am I an old man?"he asked with a laugh.

"Hm...about 20 years ago"I joked and walked back to my window space.

"Haha you have your fathers humor"he said and I stopped.

" father never had a sense of humor. You even said he never had humor? What are you talking about?"I asked.

His face went blank for a moment then it returned when he looked away and I stood there looking at him back from the window seal. He didn't answer instead he started the lesson. I couldn't stand it was he implying that those people who I thought were my parents weren't really my parents!? I felt outraged so I jumped off of my window space and flipped forward landing on my feet and rushed out of the class room. I somehow ended up in old bedroom. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black crop top that said vampires suck on it with red color that was suppose to look like blood and a pair of black jean shorts. Then I pulled out a suit case that was made of metal and opened it. Inside of it was an old Artemis scythe that my family told me to never open. I gently ran my fingers across it only to be electrocuted. I tightly asked my head and the other withering from the pain. Why this is happening to me I thought to myself I hadn't the slightest clue. One question raced in my mind..... What exactly am I? Obviously my whole life has been a dead lie to me. Nothing to me was real any more I was fed up and the emotions in my head were swimming and it was too much to bear. I stood up with an unreadable face on. Walk over to where I put those clothes and put them on. Lastly before I went out I went back to my closet, and put up a long katana. Then I open my door and ran out I don't care what place my feet would take me. Somehow I ended up in the woods right outside the moon dormitory. I didn't care I would train where I felt it was needed to be trained at. I swung my katana around and practiced my swings. I had torn a piece of the cloth from my shirt and tied it around my head as a blindfold. I practiced like this for what seemed like hours until sweat was pouring down my face. Then I noticed that I wasn't even gripping the handle I only held the blade and my hands leaked with blood. I dropped the blade and let it hit the ground with a clash and I saw pairs of red eyes behind a tree.

"Who's there???"I asked.

The Hanabusa came out along with Akauski. For some reason I found myself taking steps backwards but Hanabusa grabbed me and pulled me close.

"You smell....delicious...."he said sniffing my neck.

My eyes widened but he was using vampire strength and I couldn't move I clenched my eyes shut.

"Get off of me!"I yelled.

Then he licked my neck and plunged his fangs deep into my neck. For some reason no pain came to me. But I still hated what he was doing. I hit his back repeatedly. It didn't matter though. It wasn't any match for a vampire. My vision soon started to blur but he didn't seem to care. Then I went weak in his arms. Then he stopped and his eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry (y/n)!!"he said.

Then I lost consciousness and my world went completely black.....

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