An Unforgttable Ball Pt.3

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I was running to catch up to her. I knew that the girl was Luna. The only thing that was confusing me was, 'why was she running away from me?'. That day that she was kidnapped from me was so confusing to me. Why did those men take her and not me. I grasped the ended of my dress and began to run faster. Damnit this dress is too long!

"Luna please stop!"I yelled.

That only made her go faster. I reached under my dress and pulled out one of my daggers and slashed the ends off up till it reached my upper thighs. Then when I looked up Luna was no where in sight. I stopped everything stood still. It was a bit too quiet....then I heard the steps of people running towards me. I turned and saw Yuki, Zero, Kaneme, and Takuma. Then more steps approached and none sounded friendly. Then they stopped a few yards away from me and the others. I stood I front of everyone, this isn't their battle. It's mine...

"Give me my sister!"I yelled.

The man just laughed. Then he spat on the ground. Then his eyes locked onto mine. I gripped the dagger that was in my hand. My eyes glowed Crimson as I stared him down. I spat words out that were mixed in with my fangs. I had never been so angry in my life.


He laughed as several other men came out behind with Crimson eyes. Then one man pulled out the girl that looked like Luna from behind his back. She was struggling from his grasp.

"Unhand me you savage!!"she yelled.

My eyes widened. Then something inside of me snapped. I put the dagger away and pulled out my retractable sword.

"Cover me...."was all I said.

Them in the heat of the moment I screamed and charged at the large group of men. Then charged at me all the once. That one man stayed behind them holding Luna hostage. I punched the first guy square in the jaw sending him literally flying through a window. The glass shattered but I didn't care. I grasped the handle of my sword and slashed through two of the men's heads at once. The blood was sprayed everywhere! I ducked down on the floor and sweeper my feet under one man and pulled out one of my daggers. I stabbed him through the chest and quickly got back onto my feet. Two others were fast on my trail but I easy dealt with it. I double back flipped over in between the two and pulled out two daggers and plunged them deep into their chest. Blood had flowed all over my gown. Damnit! I actually loved this dress.... Then I turned back towards the last man standing who held my sister. I began to walk towards the man with my eyes still red.

"GIVE.ME.HER.BACK!"I said gritted through my teeth.

Then I could feel everyone walking up behind me. All the night class had their eyes red also. Zero I could tell had that pissed off look in his eyes. I could see his hand shaking as he placed a blade towards her throat. My eyes widened.

"I-I'll do it! I slit her throat!!"he yelled.

With lightning speed I ran towards him and grabbed his hand. I pulled the blade away from his hand. His eyes went wide but I didn't seem to care in the slightest. I bent his hand back and snapped it off.(sowwy I went a bit graphic) He instantly dropped to the floor dead. My eyes went back to their (e/c) as I starred at Luna. Tears flowed from my face as I pulled her into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around me as she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Where were you Luna....?!"I asked.

She shook her head in my shoulder and sobbed even harder. I rubbed her back to sooth her.

"Never mind, I don't care. All that matters is that your here..."I said.
(Okay so this is a short chapter but I plan to write a longer one next time ;) thanks for reading byeeees!!!!!)

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