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-Kanemes P.O.V-

"What have you done?!"I asked.

I saw (y/n) limp in Hanabusa's hands and I rushed over and took her from his grasped. I gently lay her down in the soft grass. Hanabusa's eyes looked shocked to see me come from the dark. I was in my studies when I smelled her blood. My eyes were red as I looked up at him.

"Rima please take them to the dorms I'll shall deal with them later..."I said staring at them.

She nodded and took them by there collars inside. I reached down and picked (y/n) up bridal style and then I saw her shirt and smiled. 'Vampires suck'? That brought a small smile to my face but I quickly removed if when I walked inside and took her into her room. A small knock was at the door. I said a small...'enter' and in came Takuma with bandages and other medical supplies. He walked in and sat two chairs beside the bed. He had taken the one closer to her to bandage her up and I sat in the other one. I watched as he had no. Trouble bandaging her neck.

"Kaneme you should punish those two, I promise I'll take care of her. If you wait any longer Hanabusa might have a panic attack on how your not scolding him right away. "Takuma said.

I nodded as I stood up and walked out....

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-
(The words in italic are a dream) I? I saw a little girl with a woman and a man. They like a family. Why can't I see my parents faces?! "MOM!!!"I yelled. She couldn't hear me. Is this...a memory? There eyes are red though. Are they vampires? They are....'',mommy!" The little me said. The woman smiled lovingly at me as a tear slid down her face. " listen sweetheart, I'm gonna hide your vampire power so you can be safe. You'll live a normal human life as a human until it is time to remember. Until that time comes, you won't ever see us again. Your going to have a nice family of humans. They will protect you with their lives.....

I woke up with a huge gasp. My breath was ragged as I looked around. Where was I? Then a huge pounding came at me and I gripped my head and screamed from the pain. The door bursted open and I didn't care who it was. There was images flashing through my head all at once. No these weren't just images they were memories. Then it all stopped and my vision came back. I saw everything in red now....I'm....a pure blood.

"I-I remember... "I mumbled.

Kaneme sat on the floor in front of me and the entire night class sat along with him.

"Please tell us what you remember" Kaneme said.

I sighed as I began.

"My full title is Princessa (y/n) Maria Montoyas the third. I am from a very long line of pure blood vampires. My true family grew up in Romania but my father and mother gave me away to a family of Vampire hunters so I would be safe, I don't know why they hadn't had killed me but they raised me as their own child. I never craved blood but they were killed and the headmaster had found me and I was brought here...."I explained.

Kaneme nodded as I finished.

"There's more...people will be after me now that I have awoken"I said.

Then I stood up strongly.

"I must report this to the headmaster"I said.

Everyone stood up as well.

"I shall escort you Lady (y/n)" Takuma said.

I sadly smiled.

"No need for formalities. I'm still the same stupid and crazy person I was before this happened. Just call me (y/n)" I said.

He nodded in expectants as to what I said. Then I walked out of the dorms only to be greeted harshly by the sun. I covered my eyes with my hands. I continued anyway.

"Takuma please stay here the sun would cause you trouble"I said.

He nodded again and I turned and walked to the forest. Better take the shady path. Then I saw these horse stables and walked into one. I saw the most beautiful horse I've ever seen and then I noticed Zero asleep peacefully beside the horse. I walked over to the horse and gently petted her fur. She made a noise that I could tell meant she was happy. Then I felt zero stir. I looked down at him.

"Shhhh.....sleep Zero"I spoke softly.

Then he slept peacefully again. I sighed. What would he think of me now? Our friendship will forever be broken. He despises vampires let alone a pureblood vampire. A tear slid down my face and I couldn't take looking at him anymore thinking about the what if's. I walked away from the stables and found myself in the shade by a fountain. I walked over and sat on the bench next to the water. I tried to think on the bright side and cheer myself up. But I knew that wouldn't be possible.....things wouldn't be getting better any time soon. No, things....we're just about to start. More things were coming and I knew blood....would be shed....

(Ohhhh cliffhanger xDDDD don't hate meh xD anyway I'm placing a small pause on this story because people want me to add another part on my Fairy Tail X reader so if ya want check it out it's really good and people seem to like it thanks for reading ;) byeeees!!!!)

Vampire Knight Kaneme x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now