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Yay! I couldn't wait to tell the head master about my idea. I knocked on his door.

"Come iiiiiiin!"he said.

I opened the doors and skipped in. When I got up to his desk I placed my hands on the table.

"Headmaster, something has come up and we need the night class and the disciplinary committee to go into a combat training for there protection.... "I said.

Then I sat there explaining all about me awakening and my memories that I had received. After I had finished he nodded his head. DAMNIT WHY DO PEOPLE NOD SO MUCH! (I hate that sooo much in real life too omg it erks me soooo much cuz they don't talk at all which makes this HORRIBLE silence and aaaghhh!!! ) Then he looked at me in a serious manner.

"You still smile like your mother...."he said

That reply caught me off guard. He knows my real parents? This intrigued me and I couldn't stop the questions that ran through my mind. What was she like? Is she still alive? Could I meet her.

"I understand you have questions right now, and I shall answer them in time. For now though, you have my permission for the training"he said.

I couldn't hide my enthusiasm so I ran over and pulled him into a tight embrace. Then I turned and ran out the door excitedly. This is going to be perfect!
I walked up to the classroom doors and opened them. The teachers eyes along with the entire night class looked at me. I slowly bowed my head.

"Sorry I had business to attend to"I said.

He nodded and pointed to the seats. I jumped up onto my window ledge and Sat calmly. The other night class students were paying attention. Kaneme looked at me and I nodded at him telling him the headmaster approved my training idea. He nodded back.
-time skip-
Class was finally over thankfully. I jumped off of my window seat and stood in front of the teachers desk. The night class said that they would wait but I quickly sent them out with Kanemes help. Then the teacher turned to face me.

"Yes?"he asked.

I sighed as I stared him straight in the eyes.

"I need your help. There's something coming and I need help to train both the night class and the disciplinary committee."I said.

He eyed me carefully. He was probably looking to see if I would crack up laughing and see if It was me really talking or a prank. So I stayed still with a stern look in my eyes. Then He turned back to his board and began to write tomorrows lesson. I sighed as I thought there was no hope that he would help so I walked to the door. His voice speaking had stopped me.

"Tell those bastards I'll be in the woods at dusk"he replied.

A wide grin spread across my face as I turned a him and smiled. I bowed before I left the clsdsroom. I was practictically running down the hall and I saw the other night class students. They turned when they saw me running. I laughed then as I got closer I place my hand on Hanabusas shoulder and flipped over them all and kept running like a child would. While I ran I kept laughing. Then I ended up not paying attention and trampled into people. I was on the floor now and I slowly opened my eyes and saw yuki and another girl who I hadn't known. I heard the night class run over and Akaski helped me to my feet. I dusted off my uniform and helped yuki up. The other girl stood up on her own.

"I'm sorry Yuki, I should've been watching where I was going"I said with a slight chuckle.

Then something outside of the window caught my eye. Then I saw something headed straight for Yuki! I quickly went into action! I ran at a fast speed and pushed her out of the way. It was too late for me. It thrusted through the window I covered my face. It blew up and I was thrown against the wall! I slammed my head hard against the wall. Then my body slumped down on the floor. Yuki rushed over.

"(Y/n)?! Are you okay?!?!?!"she asked worriedly.

Then I saw someone I thought was still in the classroom. The old man....vampire hunters had something about them. But what was it? I couldn't really care about that right now. Something painful was lodged into my back and it burned. I saw Toga Yagari. That was his name but I never called him that. A simple teacher of old man would due for me. He crouched down beside me as the others stood.

"I swear. What are we gonna do with you girl...?"he asked.

He always treated me like a daughter. Every day since I was a child. My old life had been a huge part to him. He always had a smile on his face when he saw me. But here at the academy he never smiled. Probably because he was surrounded by vampires. Yet, somehow I was different.

"Stupid girl. You just had to go and get Vervain wood chips in your back didn't you?"he asked.

(Okay on the vervain part I was just going with a vampire diaries thing lol sorry if it isn't true in the actual Vampire Knight but if you haven't seen Vampire Diaries I HIGHLY recommend it. In my opinion it's anaaaazing ;) lol)

I chuckled as he said that then.... I lost consciousness.

(Alright that is it for this chapter I'm making the ball appear in either the next chapter or the one after that ;) thanks for reading. Oh and one more thing the new girl that Yuki was walking around is a familiar asshat*cough* with long silver hair....;) byeeees!!!!)

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