An unforgetable ball pt. 2

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(Sorry about the last chapter, I know that it was very short but the whole app randomly shut down on my tablet and it made me furious so....*takes a deep breath* this chapter I am going to make some more romance between you and kaname happen ;) once again I do apologize for the last update...."KANEME GIVE DEM HUGS!" ^~^*kaneme gives everyone hugs*)

Then someone from the shadows stepped out. I looked over and smiled when I saw who it was. Kaneme Kuran...I smiled at him when he looked at me and he return my smile gladly. Zero however, had a look of pure hatred and his eyes towards Kaneme. It's a brave step and step in between the two. The two had apparently been having a death stare off. I looked from one to the other and then back to the other.

"Zero, it's alright can you leave us be and let us talk please?"I asked Zero.

Zero surprisingly left without as much as barely a commotion. I watched him as he went back into the ballroom. Then my eyes you're back kaneme. My eyes widen when I turned to look back to them he held his hand out. Was he asking me to dance I was so confused. I have course knowing myself couldn't dance so I don't know what to think.

"May I....have this dance?"he asked with a smirk on his face.

My face blushed as I studdered to find my words.

"I-I.....can'"I mumbled.

Yeah apparently her man his eyes slightly wider when he found out that I couldn't dance. But soon his eyes turn back to normal and he took a step forward. He gently took my hands in his and wrapped them around his neck. Then he placed his hands on my waist as he did so the music inside changed from a group dance song to a slow song. I sighed and closed my eyes and shook my head.

"I can't dance....."I repeated.

"Stand on my toes"he replied.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. He nodded and I sighed. I gently placed my hands around his neck again as he placed his on my waist. I stepped onto his toes. Thankfully I didn't weigh that much. He began to dance. With my toes on his. It actually looked like I was dancing! It was magical to me. I couldn't help but smile. He looked at my face and saw that I was smiling and he smiled at me smiling. That of course only made me smile more! Then the slow song came to an end and a more faster song began to play and Kaneme and I stopped but didn't move. We just kept starring into each other eyes. Then to my surprised he forcefully pressed his lips onto mine. My eyes went wide at first but slowly returned the kiss. I stepped off his toes and wrapped my arms around his neck tighter.

"Oh my! Well looky what I walked into, my bad"Takuma said.

My eyes were on full alert mode now and I quickly separated from Kaneme.

"Is it wrong for me to kiss my fiancé?"Kaneme asked with a slight smirk in his tone of voice.

Takuma just smiled as he said that and shook his head.

"Not at all but I do advise you not to do so in a public area such as this one with a bunch of girls who would probably be willing to slit the poor girls throat for kissing you"he relied.

He said that with such a cherishing smile that it sent goosebumps up and down my spine. Kaneme just sighed as if it was no big deal. I had a crazy blush still on my cheeks But I managed to cover it. I regained my senses and brushed off my dress.

"I think I'll head inside to the party now, pardon me"I said.

Then without waiting for a response I walked back inside. Until I bumped into someone.

"Oops I'm sorry"I said.

I looked up and it was a girl with long (h/c) just like me. One of her eyes was a deep red color but the other was the same (e/c) just like mine. This fragile little girl looked identical to my little Luna....

"Would you mind singing everyone a song?"she asked.

My eyes went wide at what she had said. Then again that's what Luna loved about me. Every night before she went to sleep she had asked me to sing a song. She never cared what the song was. She just wanted me to sing.
I nodded at her words.

"Is there anything in particular that you would like me to sing?"I asked.

She didn't say anything. Instead she shook her head no. I nodded then I stepped up to the Mic and held it in my hands. Everyone stopped dancing and looked at me. Even Kaneme and Takuma had stepped inside to see why it was silent. I spoke into the Mic.

"This is a song for a special person that I met...."I said.

I couldn't help but think about how much that girl looked like Luna.. I chose to go with the first song that came to my mind...Still here...

Musing through memories,
Losing my grip in the grey.
Numbing the senses,
I feel you slipping away.
Fighting to hold on,
Clinging to just one more day
Love turns to ashes,
With all that I wish I could say.

I'd die to be where you are.
I tried to be where you are.

Every night, I dream you're still here.
The ghost by my side, so perfectly clear.
When I awake, you'll disappear,
Back to the shadows
With all I hold dear.
With all I hold dear.
I dream you're still here.
I dream you're still here.

Hidden companion
Phantom be still in my heart
Make me a promise that
Time won't erase us
That we were not lost from the start.

I'd die to be where you are
I tried to be where you are

I dream you're still here,
Ever slightly out of reach.
I dream you're still here,
But it breaks so easily.
I try to protect you,
I can't let you fade.

I feel you slipping.
I feel you slipping away-

As soon as I got to that part the girl that looked like Luna began to leave the room. I dropped the microphone and ran after her. I didn't care about the eyes that watched me. Only one thing raced through my mind...I won't lose her again....

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