Whipped Cream Errors...

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Toga made us run for far too long. But we soon came to a stop. His eyes were wide as He looked at us. I smirked.

"What? Surprised we ran so long?"I asked.

Then he busted out laughing. This time it was us wo we're shocked.

"No, it was surprising that you ran so many laps because I only wanted you to run three!"he laughed.

I went blank. No FUCKING way!!! He seemed to notice my reaction and smiled.

"Alright since you all exhausted yourselves were done for today"he said.

"Thank god"hanabua yells.

I giggled as everyone except Kaneme left. Even toga left us. He looked at me and held out his hand. I gently took it as we walked beside each other.

"The night is beautiful. Such a pity that it ends and day comes...."I said.

He smiled as he kept his eyes forward.

"Indeed it is..."he replied.

"Sometimes I feel like at day time....when I sleep....It feels like I'll miss something"I said as I yawned.

"Someone's a bit tired"he teased.

What could I say. That running was probably the most I had done since a looong time. I needed sleep. Before I knew it we arrived inside the moon dorm and everyone else either was showering or sleeping. I decided to sleep and then later shower. I drifted off into a deep sleep....

When I woke up I felt immetetly hungry...but not for blood. I wanted people food. Is that weird? I walked out of the moon dorms thankfully it was Sun set. I walked into the day classes cafe and walked into the kitchen freezer. I came out with a huge tub of whipped cream and a spoon. I looked back at the clock and noticed it was time to go to class. I shrugged and opened the huge tub of cream and at it with a spoon. Mmmm nothing better Then the sweet taste of lite whipped cream. I turned and walked back to class. When I walked into the classroom everyone looked at me and my whipped cream. I wasn't in uniform either. I still wore what I had on yesterday. I shrugged again and walked over and sat by Kaneme this time. I took a few more spoon fills of cream until the teacher called me.

"(Y/n) this isn't snack time in kindergarten"he said.

"Snack? This is my breakfast "I explained.

He sighed and motioned me to come to the front of the classroom. I walked away from kaneme and up to the teacher.

"Waa?"I asked with whipped cream in my mouth.

"For someone with training going on they don't seem to notice that this is a very fattening thing"he said.

I ate another spoonful. Then I spoke.

"But it's lite..."I said.

He rolls his eyes and snatches the tub away from me but I quickly move out of the way.

"No!"I yelled.

"Stop acting childish and hand it over there's no EATING in this classroom."he said.

I hugged the tub. And he sighed.

"Okay I understand"he said.

He gave up so easily. For a minute my guard was done and-
He kicked the tub from the bottom and it flew right into the trash.

"My foooood!!!!" I yelped.

He rolled his eyes an pointed to my seat. I sniffed and walked back defeated. I sat down and kaneme was actually chuckling. I smiled as I looked at him laughing. I wished he would smile more often. Then he looked at me and whispered.

"What are you thinking about?"he asked.

"I was thinking of how good you look with a smile. You should smile more often"I said.

He smiles and looked forward. Gosh he is such a strange one.....class ended soon after that and we were walking back now.
My eyes went huge as I saw a little black bundle about the size of my hand on the ground. I walked over and crouched down beside it. It was a small bat....It looked injured.

"It's hurt..."I mumble to myself.

I saw the smallest scratch on it's wing. Someone wanted to kill this animal. But why?? What could anyone possible gain by hurting such a cute animal...Then the answer came to me! This wasn't just any old bat....it's lunas!!! It has a letter that's in a death grip in it's claws. I gently pulled at the letter only to find the bat clung tighter onto the letter. I sighed as I set the letter back down. The night class peered over my shoulder as I placed a hand over the bat. Then as I concentrated a glowing red light came from my Hand and slowly the bat opened its eyes as it's wing was healed. I opened my own eyes and took my hand off of the animal. I healed It! The animal seemed to realize who I was and handed over The letter. I carefully opened the letter...


Please help I'm being held at our home!

My eyes widened. The castle that is were they're holding her....
(Alright it's a short chapter but I had to post it with a cliffhanger XDDD BYEEESS)

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