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I was now cradling my younger sister Luna in my arms as i sat on the couch in the night class dorms. Her head was in my lap as I brushed a few strands of hair from her eyes. She had past out after the fight. I smiled as I looked down at her. Takuma came over to me with a glass of water and blood tablets. I shook my head no. He nodded and set the glass down beside me and I just stared down at my sister who was still unconscious. But i saw her eyes flutter open. My eyes leans forward to her face. She saw me and screamed. Then before I knew it she smacked my face and I was sent flying into the table. I groaned as I hit the floor. She still had vampire strength but I was weak from that fight...

"Damn she's still got that swing...."I mumbled.

"(Y/n)!" Hanabusa yelled.

Then before I knew it Hanabusa held out his hand. I took his hand gently as he pulls me up. I looked at Luna who seemed to be huddled up in the corner of the couch. She looked so fragile and scared. I began to walk towards her but that scared her more.

"What's wrong with her?!"Hanabusa yelled.

For once my eyes flashed red as I walked towards her and I grasped her shoulders as I started into her eyes. I hated doing this to her, anyone for that matter. I needed to know her memories of those long days after she was taken.....

-Luna's Flash Back-
Bars. Why was that all I saw, bars and udder darkness. The clang of keys was the only thing that I heard. Luna's memories are so dark. Why?? Luna kept struggling but she was chained to something. The wall perhaps. I could hear a conversation coming from outside the room.

"Why didn't you take the other one!!"a man said.

He seems to be furious with someone. They kept yelling. Only one thing races on my mind. Was it me who they wanted? If so, why would they ever want me?
-end of flashback-

I felt an extremely painful pain run through my head and I tripped backwards holding my head. Did Luna push me out of her head?!

"Stay out of my head!"she yelled.

Well I'll take that as a yes. I leaned on the staircase holding my head in pain. Kaneme walked over to me.

"What's wrong?"he asked.

I let my head go as I began to speak.

"I saw here memories, she was locked away forever. I'm guessing those men took her to try and lure me in for something but I haven't the slightest clue why they would want me"I said.

Then a thought popped into my mind.

"Takuma isn't there an old crusty library in town?"I asked.

"Well there is a library though I wouldn't call it crusty...."he replied.

"thanks Takuma!!!"I yelled.

Then I quickly grabbed Kanemes hand and ran out the door.
-time skip-
Kaneme and I were at the library now and he looked at me with a questionable look.

"What?"I asked.

"Why did you bring me?"he asked.

I laughed at what he said. To be honest I don't quiet know that myself...Then a thought came to me quickly!

"Oh my god! We need to get back there!!!"I yelled.

I was shushed by the librarian but I didn't care. Once again I grabbed his hand and we rans out. As we ran Kaneme decided to talk.

"What's the matter?!"he asked.

"Luna's in a room full of vampires! She isn't very social and with that many people around her she'll go crazy and most likely attack them thinking that they wanna attack her!"i replied.

I hoped that we would get there in time!
-time skip-

Kaneme and I bursted through the doors and were shocked at the sight. Akuski and Ruka lied on the floor unconscious, Senri sat on the couch peacefully eating candy while hanbusa was getting his face shoved into a pillow with Luna on top of his. I clapped my hands loudly which had gotten everyone attention. I ran over and gently pulled Luna away from Hanabusa.

"Now what is the blazing hell is going on in here?!"i yelled.

Hanabusa stood up rather fast as he talked.

"Everything was normal and all the sudden this woman went crazy and attacked us!!!"he yelled.

I looked at Luna with wide eyes. She just shrugged. I sighed and placed a hand over my forehead. This was going to be tuff. Then a thought popped into my mind.

"Come on Luna, let's go see the headmaster"I said.
-time Skip-

I dropped Luna off at the headmaster since everyone was still recuperating from a while ago. I stepped back into the night class dorms and I am exhausted. I didn't even care that Kaneme sat in the middle of the couch reading a book I plopped down onto the couch and laid down onto my stomach.

"I am reading here"he said.

I shoved my face into a pillow and I mumbled into in.

"I don't muffing care!"I groaned into the couch cushion.

Then I felt a pair of arms swoop me up. I looked and saw Kaneme.

"Come on let's go to bed"he said.

"But....I'm not tired...." I mumbled.

Then I yawned and he slightly chuckled. I rolled my eyes and laid my head into his chest. That was all I remember before I passed out.....

The day had soon come to an end and it was time to go to our classes. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Kanemes sleeping face when I opened my eyes. This is the guy I'm suppose to marry. Also he did say that Yuki was the other option so does that mean she's also a pure blood. When I was lost in the thought of that Kaneme woke up. He yawned showing his fangs a little bit.

"How long have you been awake?"he asked.

I sighed.

"Not that long I just woke up myself..."I said softly.

He looks like a child when he sleeps. peace. I sat up from the bed and realized that we were in his room. I rolled my eyes and saw a girls uniform. Kaneme must have placed that there for me when I woke up. I jumped over Kaneme and landed on the floor. I grabbed my uniform and walked over into his bathroom.

"I'm mugging your shower"I said.

He nodded as he sat up in the bed. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I took a quick shower and dried my hair as I slipped into my uniform. Then I opened the door and saw Kaneme shirtless I quickly shut the door again.

"S-sorry!!"i yelled.

"It's no problem"he replied.

I waited about two minutes until I re opened the door and thankful he was fully dressed. I sighed. Thank gosh he had a shirt. Then my thoughts went back to Luna. She was left with the headmaster last night And I wasn't so sure how that was going. I walked over to the door but stopped. I walked back over to Kaneme and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before rushing out the open window. I jumped out and kept flipping forwards until I safely landed onto the sidewalk. Kaneme looked out the window.

"Tell the old man I may not be able to attend class tonight because of my sister!"i said loud enough for him to hear.

He nodded and I began to walk towards the headmasters office....
-another time skip-

I walked into the headmasters office only to find him knocked down on the floor unconscious! My eyes went huge as I ran towards him.

"Headmaster!!"I yelled.

His eyes fluttered open as he spoke.

"(Y/n)? I'm sorry....they took Luna...."he said.

Then he went unconscious again. I placed my head against his chest and thankfully I felt his heart still beating. He will be fine. That I knew for sure. But my eyes filled with tears anyway....I will save her....

(OMGGG huge cliffhanger XD I had to put that in there anyway the headmaster isn't dead I promise! I couldn't kill him even if I wanted to he is just so cheerful XD thanks sooo much for reading ;) byeeeess!!!!)

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