Finding Her

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I will find her. That's all that raced through my mind. I will get her back from those barbarians who stole her! How could I have let such a thing happen. I stood up from the unconscious headmaster and walked out the door. I headed into my old dorm room and was frantically rummaging through my closet finally I found the outfit I needed. It was a simple outfit for me. (The picture above) it's a v-cut t-shirt that was black and had cherry red lips with fangs on it and the words 'bite me' were in red. I also put on some black Jean shorts with my knee high black combat boots. Lastly I reached under my bed and pulled out an old musty bag that was full of weopons. Then I slung the huge bag over me and walked out the door.
I decided mentally that if I was going to get Luna back I had to be stronger. That me at the ball, it wasn't my normal self. Though I had been trained for stuff like that but it wasn't me. I needed help from one of the best...With that into my thoughts I pushed open the door of the night classes classroom. All eyes turned to me and I walked straight over to the teachers desk. I turned and faced the nightclass.

"Class is dismissed early for the night you all may have free time"I instructed.

"Now what in the hell are you doing instructing my class?"the old man asked.

I turned and faced him he had a slight glare in his eyes But his face had a smirk on it.

"No time. My sister just got kidnapped again by those asshats and I need your help to train me"I said.

"And if I refuse?"he asked.

"Then I carry my happy little ass right into there hideout and get myself killed an you can have the sick. Disgusting. Slimy feel of guilt be lodged forever into your soul of knowing that you, Toga, were the cause of my death for not training me"I replied.

" my my, such a mouth for a pureblood"he responded.

"Please, we both know I don't give to shits about that and if there is one thing I have never been more serious about in my whole entire life it's this"I replied.

He saw the serious look in my eyes and nodded. I swear in that moment I wanted nothing more than to choke every person who nodded but I knew I couldn't because that....never mind. He began to walk away and I followed him. We past the night class on our way out. Kaneme began to walk behind me following me along with the entire night class. I sighed as I spoke to them not looking back.

"You didn't need to follow me...."I said.

The night class was quiet as Kaneme spoke.

"I explained about the training program that you talked about and since you were training to become strong for your sister....well, we could help with your training"he explains.

"Old man, is that cool with you?"I asked.

He didn't respond. I glared at the back of his head. Damn nodder. The night class and I walked behind Toga for what seemed like forever until we were surrounded by forest trees. That's weird...he stopped right by a river. Then he turned to me and held out his hand. I already had plenty of weopons on me so I tossed him my bag. He smirked as he threw the whole back into the river! My eyes went huge as he did that!

"What the hell!!"I yelled.

He had no right what so ever to do that to all of my weopons! Does he know how long those took me to collect! How much those were worth!!

"Now now, don't look at me like that first things first....cardio"he said.

The night class looked taken back. Ruka was the first to speak.

"Are you serious right now? We arnt even wearing appropriate clothes to run in!"she said.

I rolled my eyes slightly as she said that. Thankfully she didn't see. I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings but this was just crazy. Sadly Toga saw me roll my eyes and smirked but he talked to ruka.

"Okay buttercup you are the one who followed pretty boy out here arnt you?"he asked pointing to Kaneme.

I couldn't help but bust out laughing as he called Kaneme a pretty boy. He looked at me and grinned.

"Heh...if that so funny then you can laugh while running and extra lap around the entire academy?" toga said.

I laughed even harder.

"Alright then I better get started"I said.

I always loved running. I looked at the other and motioned them to come along. Knowing Toga he would make us run around the academy his favorite number.....14 times. So we had better hurry. I sprinted off at very fast speed. I was running through the forest and trees so fast, it was as if the world went in slow motion. Kaneme was the first to catch up to me. I was surprised by his speed. Next was ruka then Hanabusa and akuski were a tie. They talked while they ran.

"This is crazy" hanabusa yells.

I laughed when he yelled that.

"Oh hanabusa this is only the first part of his crazy training method. But he is the best!"I yelled back.

"There's more?!?!"they all yelled.

"So much more"I replied laughing.

Boy was this gonna be fun...

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