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That alarm clock was so annoying why did the head master even want me to have one of those? I groaned and pushed the covers off and grabbed some clothes. I walked into my shower and stripped and washed myself. The warm water slid down me and gave me a calm feeling. I felt warm and at peace. I finished washing and turned off the water and got dressed in my day class uniform. Cross Academy wasn't at all like most places. We had vampires living in a different dorm on the campus. They are called the night class and Zero, Yuki, and I are all on the discipline committee. I put my band on my arm and walked out to walk to my class. Then a person was outside of my door waiting. Actually two people and they were Yuki and Zero. Zero leaned against a tree. Yuki on the other hand bounces over to me in a cheerful mood.

"Hey (y/n)! The headmaster has requested to see you"she said with a smile.

She obviously hadn't know what he had summoned me for. Zero seemed pained about me being summoned and I knew that he knew. He seemed to have noticed me starring at him and looked away quickly. I sighed when he turned. If he didn't like what the headmaster had sent me to come for then I knew I wouldn't like it at all. Then I turned and began to walk towards his office ready for what was coming....

"WHAT?!?! No way in hel-

"Now now dear, that's no correct way to speak"the headmaster interrupted my sentence.

"I refuse!!!"I corrected my grammar.

"Come on sweeeety, you don't even have to sleep there you just need to walk and attend there classes. You can resume your daily life in the day but I think it wold be a great trial to see if a human can take classes with the night class."he pleaded.

"No! Absolutely-

My sentence was cut off again when he gave me those pleading eyes. Damnit! I.....won'

"UGH FINE!!!" I yelled giving in.

"YAY!!!! Okay here is their schedule and here is your new uniform! Of course you only need to wear it for the one month trial, after that if you wish you can go back to being a full day class student again but until then wear this at all times"he said.

My eyes widened this man was totally a different story. I sighed and grabbed the white uniform and looked at it with disgust. Then I thought it would be fun to joke around.

"If I. Pretending to be a vampire I might as well live with them and sleep in the day as well hahaha" I joked.

"Oh (y/n) thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion I'll ask Kaneme to prepare a room for you then!"the head master said with a smile.

My jaw dropped! I hadn't meant it in a literal way. He knew I hadn't meant it that way either! I groaned when I saw his happily smiling face. Then before I knew it I was shoved out of his office and was walking down the hall. I bumped into zero and Yuki down the hall they appear to be walking somewhere but I haven't the slightest clue. Nor did I care right now. Zero had apparently noticed my unhappiness from walking out of the headmasters office and sighed.  I looked off it out of the window and disappointment flooded over me. We are both vampire hunters so it disappointed both of us that I had to go into classes with lots of them. I rolled my eyes and shrugged it off as I walk past them. I went back to my room immediately and change into the new uniform. I looked in my mirror one last time and examined my new self, I didn't like it at all. I ignore the sickness in my gut feeling and instead I turn the knob on my door and walked out. Soon as I got was in front of the dormitory doors I regretted ever coming. I once again sucked that nervousness in and opened the door. Of course now it was sun set so they were about to go to class and we're waiting patiently for Kaneme. When I walked into the room everyone's eyes turned to me and I looked away and walked over and sat on the couch. Their eyes were still on me.

" there something on my face?" I asked in a quiet annoyed tone.

Then Hanabusa had scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my neck and I looked down with a smirk on my face. Then I reached down and grabbed a dagger from my boot and placed it just on his shoulder pocket.

"Now....if I were you I would move your arm....very...slowly before I slice it off"I said.

He slowly moved away and I put my dagger back. Then I stood up and stood in the corner of the room away from them. Their eyes turned and they stood up as Kaneme walked down the stairs. His eyes found mine and he smiled kindly at me. How can I be mad at him.... I've always hated that about him. I simply nodded my head at him and he opened the door and we all walked out. I was behind Kaneme in the middle of the group and we walked into our class without a problem. Thank you Yuki and Zero....

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