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The nightclass and me walked inside peacefully and we sat down. I had my usual spot on the window space. Then the teacher walked In and all of our eyes turned red. Maybe it was because he was a vampire Hunter but I didn't know. He looked at me and sighed.

"So you've remembered"he said

My eyes remained red. I don't know why but whenever someone says those words it pisses me off.

"Great! So you knew all along as well?!"I asked.

He sighed and looked at the floor shaking his head in disappointment. I couldn't believe this. I didn't listen to what he was about to say I only looked out the window. Screw him! He started to teach. On what it was he was teaching I couldn't care in the slightest bit. But Then as I looked outside. I saw someone in the shadows. My eyes turned red. I was being watched. Then I opened the window and stood up on the window ledge.

"What are you doing I am teaching?"the teacher yelled.

I didn't listen but the person who was in the shadows started to run. My eyes widend as I smelled the fear in his blood. My hunger pain came. I clenched my stomach from the pain!

"(Y/n)! Are you alright"Akuski asked.

I breathed in a few breaths until calmly replying.

"I'm fine....please excuse me..." I said.

Then I slowly walked out of the classroom. I walked down the hallway till I stopped by an opened window. I jumped outside and onto the roof. God it's so high up. But I don't ever wanna go down. That hunger pain was because I can't do it....I can't take those blood tablets I've tried numerous times but they just don't taste right. I know I can't take others blood though. I guess all I'm good at is giving it away. I sighed at that thought. Maybe I wasn't meant to be a pureblood. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned and saw who it was. I turned my head away. He didn't really need to see me like this.

"This is where you went?"Kaneme asked.

I slightly laughed as I sighed and looked up at the star filled sky. Then my emotions just drained out of me all at once.

"The stars....they look so beautiful but they are so far away. Kinda like whole life, that I had thought was wasn't ever real. It was based off of stupidity. Did you know I never even knew who was after me. The person that was the reason my beloved family sent me away with to a bunch of strangers that I hadn't the slightest clue who they were....I hadn't even know his name..."I said with a solemn expression. But I continued anyway..."and to top all of that off I'm thinking that I was never meant to be a pureblood vampire after all! I mean for sake I can't even take blood tablets I haven't even had blood sense I awoke and I'm stared but if I make one mistake I'm afraid people will take me for the true monster I am!!"I said.

Then I couldn't hide it anymore I curled my knees up to my chest tightly. Then I sobbed into my knees. I hadn't cared in the slightest bit that Kaneme was watching. Then I was shocked when I felt a sting pair of arms wrap around me and pulled me close. I knew they were Kanemes arms. I stopped crying and gazed up at him. His eyes glowed red.

"You are not a monster and you never will be nor have you have been...."he whispered softly.

Then he hugged me pulling me close. His...his neck is too close...I can't stop smelling his blood.

"I know what you want. It's okay..."was all he said.

I closed my eyes as I leaned forwards. His pulse...I could smell the blood that was running through his fangs descended and  I plunged by fangs into his neck. And the was the most delicious thing I've ever had. Then I realized what I was doing. I was drinking Kanemes blood! I quickly pulled my fangs out as a small trickle of blood ran down the side of my mouth. Kaneme grasped my cheek in his hand and kissed me softly as he licked the blood off of me. I blushed a bit as he did that. But he soon pulled away. I was glad that he pulled away from me but also slightly disappointed. Damnit!! I needed to control my thoughts....

"In the class your eyes changed before your hunger arose...why?"he asked.

I turned my head looking off into the trees. I remembered the red eyes in the trees but they ran as soon as my eyes met theirs.

"Someone was watching the woods there was a person, vampire. I'm guessing it was female by the speed of the running and agility that was shown. Kaneme Kuran....there is a war brewing and I'm not sure if everyone will be ready for it. And since you are the president of the night class, I must ask your permission, can we start to train the disciplinary committee, along with the night class with the headmasters approval?"I asked.

He smiled as he looked at the stars and once again back at me.

"You are a higher status then me yet you treat me as if I am above strange.....but yes, you may have my approval" he replied.

"Yes!! I need to tell the headmaster, tell the teacher I'm sorry but I have other matters to attend to"I said.

He nodded then I ran and triple front flipped off of the building! Then as I was falling I kicked off of the side of the building and grabbed a tree branch as I swung down to the ground landing on my feet. Boy this was gonna be fun...

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