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I know where Luna is...shes probably scared right out of her mind. Shes too young to be frightened. Why would they take her back to my castle? Then the thought came to me, but in my head i wanted to forget all about it. Because of my title as princess in the future i was soon to become queen but i refused the title. I would give that title to my sister but the kindom soon crumbled without a ruler and it was thrown into darkness. This is all my fault! I should have just stopped being childish. The silly idea of me having a normal life was pointless. I had to save luna now that i knew where she was. Right now im in my bedroom at the moon dorm. Im going after her tonight. I stocked up on all of my daggers, swords, and other weopons that I'd probably use. I took off my night class uniform and put on black leather leggings, along with a black laced camisole, I even added my pair of torn up black combat boots. My arms shown my scars I had from previous vampires but I didn't care. I am going to save Luna. I need to say goodbye to kaneme and the others....I began to walk out of my bedroom and into the night class classroom. I hadt realized it but me picking my weopons had taken all day and it was now night. The air outside was actually cold to me for once. That didn't stop me though....

I was in front of the classroom door. Am I regretting leaving? I love it here so so much. Can I honestly leave?? No! I need to save Luna... I brushed through those thoughts at once and slowly opened the door. Everyone looked at me and I began to speak.

"I had to say my farewells before I left...I know where she is and there isn't enough time to train. I'm leaving "I said.

Then before the tears began to fall I walked away. As I ran only one solid tear slid down my face. I couldn't look back instead I kept running. I was off school grounds in a matter of minutes. Then in the shadows I felt presences watching me....

"Come out or die...."I instructed.

Then the group of familiar white classroom uniforms filled my vision. Everyone. Everybody was here...why? Then anger came into my mind. All my emotions spat out.

"My fucking god what the hell is wrong with you guys?!"I yelled.

"Well you never said nor did you imply that we couldn't come to we took that as an opportunity"Takuma said with his smile he always had.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I gently placed a hand on my forehead. My god they are crazy.

"What about the school? The headmaster? Classes? That is why you all were put in this school."I stated.

"So were you."akustki said.

"No, I wasn't here for the same reason. Mine was just a coincidence..."I explained.

I continued my sentence as I began to speak again.

"There's obviously no point in even trying so I need you all to understand some stuff.... I'm going to save Luna because I know where she is and those people took me back to my home. The reason why is because of my family. I ran from my title and I planned to give it to Luna but some people didn't approve."I said.

"If it's your choice then why do they even care?"Hanabusa asked.

".....it's because I was more powerful so they thought I would be a better ruler. My parents knew my desire was to give my title to my sister so they gave me to a family of vampire hunters....I figured that out earlier. It was if my memories were morphed into something else entirely. Now people are after me. Those people stole my sister and I'll be damned if I let them take her from me again...."I said.

As I thought about that I clenched my eyes shut and tightened my hand into a fist. But I breathed and opened my eyes.

"As I said , there is danger ahead. I don't know what is gonna happen and I can't protect everyone."I explained.

"Then let's go"everyone yells.

My eyes widened but I nodded. We are going back to my home....

(OMFGGGGG over 600 views!!!!!!HOLY SHIBZZ!!!! Thanks so sosososososososososososo much for the views, likes, comments. It means a lot for me and I'm terribly sorry that this is such a short chapter. And the next chapter will take a little bit longer to update because I am going to try and update one chapter of my fairy tail X Reader and if you hadn't read it please do I highly recommend it ;) thanks again Byeeees!!!!)

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