New Girl? And a long lost sister?

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(Okay first thing first, the new girl is the asshat!*cough* *cough* but the long lost sister will make sense later on in the story but the asshat*cough* is not your sister I promise also that dress is your ball gown dress.)

-flash back-
"Come one sissy!"'my little sister yells to me.

I giggle as she says sissy. It leaves a certain warmth in my heart. She tugged on my sleeve and pulls me around the castle. We run past the guards and the kingdoms people. They smile and wave at us and we can't help but smile back at them. They are all human of course and my sister, mother, and father are the only vampires. If we kept ourselves locked up inside all day then the towns people would start to suspect so we learned to tolerate the sun. My little sisters name was Luna. Even at her young age of 7 she could easily out run all of the guards, towns people, and even our fastest runner. She loved to wear her dresses. Frankly I hated them but I wore them for her sake. Luna had wore a pretty teal dress with Ruffles on the waist down. I wore a strapless black lace and ruffled dress. My sister and I kept running until we were in the woods. I hadn't had been paying attention to where we were going this whole time so I was just as lost as my sister was. Then a shadow crept behind me and strong pairs of arms wrapped around me covering my mouth! I screamed but my scream was muffled and I flailed and kicked but it was all in vain. Then I screamed louder when they grabbed my sister! She was screaming and on man slapped her across the face. That mad me furious!! I bit down on the mans hand and he screamed out. I elbowed him in the ribs causing him to drop to the ground. Then as I turned to look for my sister she was gone....
-end of flashback-

My eyes shot open. Luna....she was a sweet girl. She didn't deserve that fate! She was stole from me that terrible day and I hadn't the slightest clue why I had remembered that. I wiped the tears that came from my mouth. Then the door slightly creeped open. I saw the old man come in with medical supplies and a blood bag. My eyes widened at the bag. He threw it towards me and I caught it with ease. I pricked the bag with my fang. He just ignore me drinking the whole bag and walked over to me with bandages. When I woke up I had already had bandages so I assumed he was just patching me up. I was the first to speak.

"You knew about me so I need to you know anything about Luna?"i asked.

His eyes slightly widened at the mention of her name. But his eyes were quickly covered up by his usual glare. He sighed as he began to talk.

"I know no more than you do. Though yes I do remember their child. She had your excitement and enthusiasm...."he trailed off."but why do you ask?"he replied.

This time it was me who sighed. But I shook my head not wanting to answer. He nodded in acceptance to my answer. Then a question raced in my mind.

"Say, what day is it?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know, oh and Kuran sent me to give this to you."he said.

Then he held out a white box. It was relatively big. Then he set the box on my lap and stood up. He began to walk away and once he opened the door he spoke one last thing before he left.

"Go dance and have fun kiddo..."he said.

Then he walked out and shut the door. I pushed back the covers and sat the white box onto my lap. I opened the box and my eyes widened when I opened it and saw what was inside. It was a ball gown made of white silk and black splotches that ran from the chest down to the mid waist. I have to say, the beauty had taken my breath away. Wait....OMG TODAY IS THE BALL!! Well tonight but same thing!!! How long was I out?! I have to get ready. I looked at the clock and I had less than a few hours! I quickly jumped out of the bed and jumped into the shower. I took of the bandages. It hurt like hell but I've felt worse. The warm steamy water felt food to my wounds. I washed my hair and shaved just like the usual. Then I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my hair and body. I sat in front of my vanity and curled my long (h/c) hair. They were curled in layers so it looked amazing. Then I applied a line layer of black eyeliner and mascara. I placed a slight amount of powder onto my face for a slight tanner effect. Lastly I put the dress on. The floor length Ruffles looked absolutely beautiful. I walked outside of my room and into the main hallway. I stopped at the top of the stairway when I saw the entire night class waiting for my eyes widened when I saw at the bottom of the stairs, holding out a hand towards me.......Kaneme.....

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