Why arnt I dead?

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I soon had to leave the beloved fountain that I sat by. Before I left and saw that my eyes were still blood red. I placed my hand on my cheek. They changed back to my usual (e/c) that I loved. That human life I had is forever gone. It...is dead to me. Will I change? No I mentally promised myself. I will continue to be my happy kickass self. Just because what I am changed doesn't mean my personality has to and I won't let what I am change me. I smiled at that thought and jumped into the air and triple front flipped up into a tree. Then I leaped at an incredibly speed from tree to tree. Then from the corner of my eye I saw Yuki. I stopped and gripped the nearest tree branch and swung around on it and landed in front of her. She shrieked at my sudden appearance. Quickly she realized it was me and sighed in relief.

"Oh it just you (y/n), what's up"she said with a smile.

"Do you know if the headmaster is in his office or not?"I asked curiously.

Then Yuki gasped and my eyes widened when a gun was pointed at the back of my head. I sighed knowing it was zero.

"You....you smell of those monsters..."zero said.

I looked down at the ground. He had sensed me?

"Yuki, please leave me and zero. He and I need to talk....."I said with a smile towards her.

She nodded and walked away. I could tell she was going to Kaneme. Thank you Yuki.....

-yukis P.O.V.-

(Y/n) is in danger! I need to tell kaname about this at once! As soon as I knew Zero couldn't see me I ran. I ran as fast as I could towards the moon dorms. I ran past the gate keeper and busted threw the doors. The entire night class seemed to be about to go upstairs to there bedrooms to sleep but my intrusion seemed to stop them. Kaneme seemed to notice my ragged breath and spoke first.

"Yuki? You seemed troubled. What's the matter?" He asked.

In between breaths I spoke.

"(Y/n.....is....in,...trouble!"I said.

The entire night classes eyes went red. I gulped. Then I saw Kaneme look at the others as the ran with vampire speed outside. It was sunlight out but they didn't seem to care. I could tell they didn't like the sun though. I ran after them.

-(y/n)'s P.O.V.-

I closed my eyes and breathed.

"Put the gun down now"I head someone say.

I knew it was Hanabusa. My eyes opened and I knew zero was a bit stunned. I took that as a chance. I swung into action! I moved my head to the left and spun around and slammed my elbow against Zeros head! He fell unconscious to the ground. I looked down at his peaceful face. At first I didn't know why my vision grew dark. But then I felt a trickle of blood run down my shoulder. I didn't even hear the gunshot go off. Zero shot my shoulder with a bloody rode gun. Shouldn't I be dead? I smiled as I watched the blood go down my arm.

"Takuma do you mind bandaging me up once more?"I asked.

He nodded. I walked away leaving Yuki to deal with Zero when he woke up. Honestly right now I couldn't care less he had pulled a gun on me. I thought that we were closer but I was wrong....the entire night class and myself all walked back to our dorms. I walked inside first and laid down on the couch. The soft cousion was nice. I laid there not moving until Takuma finished bandaging me up. Once he was  done I slowly sat up and looked at my shoulder than to him.

"Thanks it looks brand new" I said with a smile.

"Thank you lady (y/n)" he said.

"No need for formalities Takuma" I said.

He nodded. Damn these people sure Love to nod. I sighed and slowly stood up.

"I shall talk to the headmaster after I have rested ..." I said yawning slightly.

That was all that I said. Then I walked up the long stairway and down the dark halls. I could see better in the dark now. I looked down and saw all of my blood covered my outfit. I frowned. I loved this outfit.... I sighed and walked into my room. My eyes widened when I saw Kaneme sitting on my bed reading one of my favorite books. '(Y/f/b)'.....he seemed to have noticed me and set the book down on my pillow.

"May I help you?"I asked.

"I'm just checking up on you that is all. I see Takuma has bandaged you up?"he asked.

I nodded then sighed as I sat on the bed next to Kaneme. I fiddled with my fingers in my lap.

"Kaneme.....did you know about me?"I asked.

He sighed and nodded his head yes. My eyes became a bit teary.

"Why....why didn't you tell me...?"I asked.

"Let me explain from the start..."he said.

I nodded and waited for his response.

"I didn't tell you because I was asked not to, also you seemed to hate to even look at our kind so I could hurt you like that and tell you that you were something that you despised. And...."he staggered off.

"And what Kaneme??"I asked on edge.

"An arrangement was made by our parents. I either will marry Yuki......or.....you...."Kaneme replied.

My mind went blank. No words came out of my mouth.

(Okay so that is the end of this chapter I hoped you liked it I'll update soon!!!thanks for reading;) byees!!!)

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