A First Taste....

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My eyes widened. He wasn't joking right now. I stood up.

"Clearly the lack of blood has gone to your head."I said.

God knows how long it has been since he actually had blood. Then I starred at him.

"When was the last time you actually did have blood?"I asked.

His eyes locked in on my throat. I nodded. No one else could do this for him. If he bites a human they turn into a level E. I walked closer to him and presses his mouth towards the left side of my neck.

"It's okay..."I said.

I heard his breath quicken and his hands gripped my waist as he licked my neck and bit into my neck. I closed my eyes and let him have his fill. I could hear the slurping of my blood in his mouth. Then he pulled his fangs out and looked at me. He licked the drop of blood that had fallen from his mouth and swallowed it. I staggered forwards and he caught me. He whispered words in my ear.

"Thank you"he said.

I nodded. He leaned down and gently kissed my forehead. I was too weak from blood lose and let him hold me up. Then he gently laid me down and pulled the covers over me and walked out of the room. I smiled then I lost consciousness....
-time Skip-

"(Y/n)....?"someone said.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw Takuma leaning over me. I sat up in my bed slowly. I looked at him confused.

"Yes? What is it?"I asked.

He slightly laughed and pointed to my clock.

"Oh right! Classes start soon."I said.

Then he placed a new white uniform on the bottom of my bed. I yawned and stretched my arms in the air as I stood.

"Tell the others I shall walk by myself I need to bathe"I said.

He nodded and left quietly. I grabbed the uniform and looked down at it smiling. I use to hate this color but now....I love it because it means I'm unique. I took a quick shower and put on the uniform and hopped over to my vanity and brushed through my hair. I looked at myself. My long (h/c) flowed down below my butt now. It had grow longer since I last remembered. I usually put it up but now I felt like I wanted to let it down. I ran out of my room and rushed down the stairs. Surprisingly the entire night class was waiting for me. I sighed.

"Who are you all waiting for?"I asked.

That surprised me when ruka spoke up.

"Kaneme hasn't come down yet so we decided to wait."she said.

I could tell there was worry in her voice. Then I noticed all of the concern from everyone else. It had shown in their eyes. I understood and nodded my head. Then I turned and knocked on his door. No response. I sighed and backed up some. I knew the door was locked. He most likely did that to keep everyone out while he studied. I twisted around fast and slammed my foot hard on the center of the door and it slammed open! I kicked down the door in one blow!!!yay!!! I mentally praised myself and walked inside. Kaneme was still asleep across his desk. I sighed at the sight. He had over worked himself too much. He hadn't even noticed that I kicked open his door. Well...kicked it down... I'll blame a cat for it or something later on. I shrugged and walked over to him and crouched down so my face had been facing his right in his face. Everything got VERY quiet. I crept closer to his ear.....

"KANAME!!!!!!!!!!!"I yelled loudly.

He jumped up and swung the nearest thing at me which happens to be a hardcover book. I pulled out a dagger and sliced it in half. I busted out laughing at him. Just then the rest of the night class rushed inside the room. I kept laughing and was holding my stomach now from laughing so hard. I soon stopped laughing and walked over to Kaneme.

"Sorry but that's what you get for making them wait..."I said smiling softly.

He closed his eyes for a second and smiled a very small smile. Then he stood up straight and tall and brushed off his uniform and turned towards everyone.

"Shall we be going?"he asked.

Everyone nodded and left the room. We walked down stairs and out the door. We instantly heard the screams of the girls and I clenched my eyes at it. It gave me a headache.

"They seem awfully excited for a stupid ball" Akuski said.

That response threw me off a bit.

"A ball?"I asked confused.

"Yes, we hold one every now and then so the day class will have the chance to be around us"Ruka said.

I nodded. But inside if my heart beat it would be racing. I hated balls but I still felt nervous about them. I ignored this feeling and we walked to class.....

(Sorry short chapter I'll update soon but school is starting again cuz the weekend is up so it may take a while but I will try my hardest!! ;) thanks for reading byeeees!!!!!)

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