Part 18

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I hate you for what you have made me
I have you for you leaving me
I hate you for not loving me
I hate you for this
But God...
I'm still so in love with you.
Wow... 2016 damn I'm so not ready for this and reading this last note my last 2015 note to him how he left me and how much I loved him as a brother how so in love with him I was how so much I cared for him and how 2016 will be without him hurts so much but thanks for letting me live another year and if he ever reads this. Fuck you. Hope you're happy there. I'm thankful for her for having her in my life once than girl I will only ever love like that and who made me sober up. I've been a couple months clean and sobered up and I've been a bit more happy. But not without her. Thanks 2015 for the new friends the new life and a new beginning. New year just same old me. Happy New Years to whoever fucking reads these shits and hope life goes well for you and fuck you to the boy who broke my little bit of heart. Fuck you hope a bird shits on you. 🖕
-Love Mufasa.
Edith Piaf is the person I admire her life was hella crazy. Thanks Douglas for introducing me to her.
___________________________The birthmark - Nathan Hawthorne
       Today, he tried to get me a girl. Emily. Because I think he thinks I like the girl he likes. Because he knows I rarely date date. Because he knows I rarely love. Yesterday, they tried to get me a girl. New girl. Because they thought I would be interested. Because they know i haven't loved. Because they all know I'm still head over heals over her. But oh I know it pisses them off when I tell them no. And so I know they know I can't date. That I can't love. Because my little old heart is in her hands. But little do they know. That even after what has happened I don't mind my little old heart being in her gorgeous hand...

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