This is ME.

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Just random speeches


When I was young my mother told me to to hide my heart under the bed. If not someone will take it. Too me under the bed was not a good hiding spot. Take it from me it was a good one because I was broken so many times; When we were little they always told us to stand up for our selfs. To defind out selfs...... If not others will define us by the names of faggot, dyke, geek, nerd, loser, slut, whore, and ugly. Those are the names others gave us, those words "define" us. How could those words, those names make us stand up for our selfs? When I was little they told me what I wanted to be. I said "beauty" and they said " choose something realistic" I said " popstar😏" and they told me "😐 don't be stupid". You see I told them what I wanted to be and then they told me what not to be. I said to myself "How could a dream like mine be crushed so easily?". When I was 7 I used to beat up people that hurt me. When I was 10 I was bullied. When I was 12 I thought suicidal and cut. I'm 13 now 14 with insecurity and suicidal thoughts, I cut and carve myself with memories. I'm not the only kid that grew up this way, about that rhyme; sticks and stones as if broken bones hurt more then those names and we got called all so we grew up believing that no one will fall in love with us, that we will be lonely forever. That we will never feel like the sun was build in their toolshed. So don't tell me it hurts more then a broken bone. We were 8 years old when she got called ugly. We got moved to the back of the class so we won't get bombarded by spitballs and get hurt. But the halls were a struggle had to fight every day after day. And we couldn't go outside cause outside was worse. Outside we had to practice how to run away or stay still like the statues so they wouldn't notice us. To this day despite a loving girlfriend and caring friends she doesn't think she's beautiful because of her body. As if depression can be cured in anything in the aid kit. We weren't the only kids that grew up this way. To this day kids are still being called names. The classics were " he's stupid" "he's a spaz". Looks like every school has it's names updated every year. We were freaks...... Try to kiss and heal the wounded parts but at night while others slept we kept walking the tight rope. Yes, some of us fell but all of this is just a breeze until we smash all the things we used to be and if you can't see any beauty in yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer cause there's something in you to keep battling everything they told you because they were wrong! Because maybe you didn't belong in a group and decided to pick you last for everything. Cause how can you hold your ground when everyone wants to hold you underneath it? Because you have to believe they were wrong! They have to be wrong.... Why else would we still be here? We grew up to cheer to an underdog because we see ourself in them. Cause we are not what we were called. We have a life less to do with pain and more to do with.......................

Beauty. . . . .


Speech #2

People ask me why I'm so weird? Why I'm so tough? I'm tough because i had to be. When I was little I was taught that tears were for sissy's. I grew up in the slums. I grew up how to fight how to be strong and save my ppl, my kind. There wasn't any day were outside was "fun" cause outside was a battle! Outside we had to fight for our land, our people, our futures. I was beaten almost till death. Broken many bones to the point I didn't feel no pain what so ever. We grew up tough, our childhood was battle and blood. Taught parkour and how to use knifes. To be brave and never show fear. My cousins and me weren't the only ones who grew up with out childhoods. We weren't the only ones who saw things no kid should ever see. I had the toughest job, besides being the youngest, energetic, and smallest. I had to run out my house to go to the deli and back with full speed sometimes I'll get caught and beaten be them but we survived. Yes we are scared for life not just physically but mentally. No kid should ever live my life with battles, knifes, and blood. Every kid should have " The childhood" they need. Every kid is special every kid is our future....


As I grew up I was faced with hardships. My life was more "survival" then "the life". Had the small ups and HUGE downs. They told me to praise the happy times cause maybe there won't be that many happy times. For us those came rarely. While growing up I fell in love. Well for me it was, it was like my first kiss, first love, first crush. I fell hard for her harder than Cloud 9. We lasted a year with break ups and make ups. Until our 5 months together, recovering from one of our break ups she called it off by saying her parents forced her. Years later I found out it was a lie that she cheated and never cared. That I was an experiment and nothing else. That was my first REAL crush I felt like my world was torn apart. Being used felt bad. That's when I knew how whores felt. I felt there pain, just being used as a worthless piece of shit. Luckily I found my love couple years later. She was the best thing and still is. People tell me more like complain about having huge crushes for someone but then don't love them back.... I always told them to be patient and wait for there love to come. Maybe it'll take years but don't worry you'll get lucky like me. just never give up 😊



Inspiration is a word, a feeling that we humans seek to motivate us to continue forward through those hardships and to find meaning. The things that inspire us is something found in the rarest forms. It is sometimes in plain sight. It is often stumbled upon, without intention. It is sometimes handed to is in the words of wisdom, spoken by experienced and open minded minds. For those people who are feeling lost in the journey to define themselves, those who are under the darkest clouds waiting for a shine of sunshine and those who simply need a encouragement, hear these words of wisdom...these words of experience....


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