Part 17

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Just know.
I have no fucking clue if you're going to see this or not lml but I have a feeling you will someday and baby girl I just wanna say I love you. Lol with my heart or whatever. I'm in lesbians with you 😂😂and bitch youguessing if you think I'm sharing you ✊😐 yus mine forever and always. And you're my everything and you're the only person I've never lied to except for hiding my true feelings. I'm yours and only yours always know that. Either together or apart. And we've been threw it all. 8 years together about to be 9 in September and you're my best friend and my beautiful wife my beautiful girlfriend my everything.😂😂😂 and I know you hate it when I use girl pronouns on you but you know why I do but you'll always be my man. I've never truly loved anyone as much as I love you. If we do separate again just know you'll have my heart with you 🎶every step of the wayyyyy🎶....
But seriously I know we'll see each other again if we do separate. It's already happened when you moved away and we were split up for 2-3 years I wait for you, you know? I waited every school year to see if you'll be there as stupid as that sounds. I love you, Ian Lisa Liza Pretty Kitty Francisco Baby, Santos-Reyes Cook 😂😂😂😂 my only queen in this world lml
You're worth more then you think.
Happy 9-10 years together? Fuck I don't even fucking know anymore. Fuck it I said 9 so happy 9th anniversary you poopy head. Fuck stop growing please.😭😭😭 or at least let me grow like PPPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!! Shit wife why you gotta be like that. Pero anyway happy anniversary lml wow you have been with me since fucking like 2nd grade or so! How can you be with me 😂 I'm so annoying as hell, and so small and I'm such a piece of shit lol. But thank you for being such jealous gorgeous wife😂. My gorgeous poopy head girlfriend. Me tall friend. BTW stop fucking growing okay. STOP. I'm older yet you look older wtf wife. Being my bestestestestEST friend and supporting me and letting me be gay asf. For accepting me and always protecting me. For helping me in class and wasting your time(which I'm sorry for) on helping me understand things or you writing down my notes cause I'm blind as hell. For helping me on my homework cause I'm dumb as hell. For saving me food that was for you to special events you went to. Like the piece of cake and ice cream cup you saved for me which was the sweetest thing and getting me the pizza too. Or the weird ass scorpion lollipop you got me from N.C. Which I still have and I'm not fucking eating that shit. For letting me play on your phone winning every time cause I'm hella good 😒😒😭😉😉For fucking letting me cry on your shoulder for a fucking hour in the car. Sorry about that doe.... For carrying me when I couldn't walk and sleeping over my house just to make sure I was good even doe you were in a house full of Mexicans, small Mexicans to be exact and your 3 or so years of Spanish out the window😂😂For being my flower boy and letting me put you on the spot or letting me take pictures with you. WHICH YOU GOTTA FUCKING GIVE ME THOSE 15 pics we took or I'll freaking kill you with love I will Liza oh I will😑 Thank you for dealing with me for the past 600 years lol jk really doe thank you for everything. Thank you my wife. Pero hold up can we just talk about how everyone calls you Liza now and doesn't question it sometimes until it hits them of why they call you Liza or why people call you Liza 😂😂 I just realized that pero back on track where was I? Ah yes... Thank you for sticking by my side and being such gentle woman XD seriously thought never forget you're my man Ian you're my bestest friend you're my family. I know I fool around a lot but you have no idea how much I really love you and I know times aren't so bright but Ian you're so worth it you're so handsome so smart and just so magical. Yes you have a heart I know why you don't show it and I thank the universe each and everyday for letting me see softy Ian letting me see each and everyday the real you. Ian you have such a golden heart I see now why you hide but Ian you're so worth it. You're so beautiful don't let anybody tell you no. I love you my wife my girlfriend my best friend my number one cause you are number one 😂😂 it's still in my porch btw. We should go back and take another one 😂😱 and we should go on more dates too and take my phone with you because clumsy me breaks stuff... As you have witnessed 😂😭😭 fuck tho my luck is so bad. Pero I love you Lisa liza 😂👸❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm in lesbians with you! Never forget XD and I can't wait what 2016 will bring us but I hope I can come up with more names we already got: Lisa, Liza, wife, girlfriend, pretty kitty, baby, bagels wife, and jealous wife, think that's it but don't worry I'll have more to come don't worry okay babez ❤️😂
Yours truly,
Your gayass Bagel
Ps. Bagels bagel bagel bagel

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