Part 8

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Poem 2:

I am from la chancla

From pueblitos and chiles

I am from the place next to the

Italian restaurant, smell of Mexican food,

to the smell of old people

I am from the roses, spiky and small The peach tree I climbed since I was little

I am from shortness and skinniness

From my mother and father

From weirdness and laziness

And from just plain crazy

I'm from dichos and slang words and

'Has bien y no mires a quien'

I'm from el jarabe y la mayordomía

I'm from America and Mexico

Enchiladas and tacos

From my aunt almost dying

Scary stories from the past, el cucuy, el coyote, el ''otee van a garra', a la llorona,

To traveling to places, memories & pictures on the wall, to under the bed &

Into my own heart...❤️


"I have learned that if you are down, stay down. Don't get back on your fucking feet until you are prepared to stand. Don't get up until you have learned why you fell. Nine times out of ten, it is because you were weighing down on someone who could no longer hold you. You gave someone your power. You forgot about yourself. Let me tell you something - there is one person there for you. One person. It's the same person that wipes your shit and feeds you and cleans up your vomit after a drunken night. It's the same person who brushes your teeth and tends to your wounds and gets your crying ass out of the shower. The same one that tucks you into bed and cradles you in the night and fights off the darkness and embraces the light. It's you. It's always been you. Don't get off that fucking ground because you see somebody you know or somebody you want to know, or - somebody you can rely on. Wipe your fucking face and get up for you. Because you can. Because it's the least of what you owe yourself."


One day you won't receive a call. One day I will greet death. One day we will all be happy.... Just one day...


I hate these panic attacks. I hate this anxiety. I hate always worrying about everything. I hate the paranoia. I hate wondering if anyone and everyone is against me. I hate always being depressed. I hate always feeling like this...

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