CHAPTER 10: Goodbye

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-Melody's POV-

I left Jimin's house, after I decided to let him go to Korea.
He won't even have time for me - he'll be making new music with the rest of BTS. I suddenly felt lost and empty. I only have dad and Danielle in my life, and I'm not going to see Jimin for a good 5 years, I thought.

I cried home. As soon as I opened the door, dad ran to me.
"Melody? What happened?" Dad looked hurt to see me like this again.
"Jimin has to leave to Korea tomorrow because his dad has cancer," I closed my eyes while tears ran down my cheeks.

Dad's mouth gaped open. He was trying to speak, but his voice wouldn't come out.

I dashed up the stairs, and into my room. I closed the door.

I'm going to see him at the airport, but that isn't going to make me happier. "I wish I'd sleep and never wake up," I whispered to myself, as I threw myself onto the bed.

--Next day--

-Jimin's POV-

When I woke up, the first thing that came to mind was Melody. She left the house crying, after she said to me : "I'll let you go."
But I promised her that we'd meet at the airport today.

I sighed. This is likely to be the last time I see her in years.

There's so much going on in my head.

It's nearly been 3 years since I first came here, but I wanted to stay for much longer. Especially because melody's here. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and had a wash at 6:00am - the plane leaves at 1:00pm and it takes 2 hours to get there.

This house feels empty. For the whole time I was living here, it didn't feel homely for some reason.
I took my suitcases and brought then downstairs. Yesterday I had the truck take in all the furniture that I didn't need. Even though I didn't have much furniture.

I'm going to give my car to melody, since I can't take it back to Korea. It's a black BMW.

I feel so down after yesterday, but I'm more worried about melody than dad right now to be honest.
The whole cancer thing still hasn't sunken in.

But to tell the truth, I don't like my dad.

He used to be so selfish and always Shouted at mum - playing with her feelings and doing it whenever he felt like it.
So I have mixed emotions about how I feel, but I don't think I realised how serious it was.

-Melody's POV-

Dad said he can drive me to the airport, because he knows how important Jimin is to me. Danielle came too, as she wanted to say goodbye to him. It's 10:00am.

As we got nearer and nearer to the airport, the reality started to hit me. What if he forgets me, gets a new best friend, a girlfriend, and gets married without me?

One thing I was afraid of is change.
When you think that person will think about you everyday - but instead, they forget you and erase all the memories. That's what often happens when you move to another country. Because it's not good to be too attached to your previous place.

I realised that I did not have any trust in Jimin at that particular moment. I breathed in and out to stop thinking about stupid things like that.

We arrived at the airport at 12pm. Jimin said he would be outside terminal 5.

I saw Jimin. I ran up to him.

"Melody," he whispered as he embraced me. I'm going to miss his hugs for sure.
"Jimin," I whispered back.
"Here, take this." Jimin took out two necklaces, and the charm at the bottom would connect together to make an infinity sign.
It said the word 'forever' on it. I put my hand over my mouth. He really cares about me.
"I'll never forget you, okay?" His comforting voice spoke, as he slowly put on the necklace on me and himself. He looked happy, but I knew he was just covering up his true feelings.
I nodded.

There was a voice in my head that told me Jimin will forget me. I don't know why I'm doubting him, I frowned.

Danielle and dad came.
Dad thanked Jimin for looking after me, and caring about me. Jimin gave  Danielle a high five, and a hug.

"Do you have to go now?" My voice sounded high.
Jimin nodded slowly.
"Goodbye. I'll miss you so much," he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and my heart beat fast.
"You too," I started crying. I watched Jimin walk until he disappeared.

We know we love each other, but we also know we can't be lovers. I felt pain in my heart.

People were looking at me crying but I didn't care. Dad kissed me on the forehead, and Danielle took my hand while we walked out of the airport.

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