CHAPTER 27: Recovery

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I'm sorry I took quite a long time to update this, but here you go! It might be a bit short, but the next chap. Will come soon~

I've got so much homework to do helpu mee~😭
-Melody's POV-
(Next day:)
Even though we made up, the previous memories left us feeling vulnerable. I feel quite fragile, and my mind, is much more alert about the atmosphere and what is happening around me. So, I can't say I've got over it, and I'm not expecting anyone to think that anyway. However, at least we are all on good terms.

Then, I realised I was zoning out.
"Oh, sorry. Just, you know, thinking about what's happened." I tell Katrina, as I run my fingers on the silky matress. Layla's bed is so comfortable, me and Katrina decided to sit there to have a chat.

"To tell you the truth - Katrina, I'm so happy we're best friends again." I held her hand.
"Me too." Katrina smiled at me, which I hadn't seen that in ages. Her smile is so joyous, like every time she smiles, you do as well - without knowing it.
"I missed your smile so much!" I giggled.
"Ha ha, you too! Especially your impressions!" She answers.
In response, I pull a funny face and causes Katrina to fall off the bed.

-Jimin's POV-
"Shall I confess to her?" I nervously ask Layla, while Melody and Katrina went somewhere to talk. We sat in the garden, having some fresh air. The grass was bright green, and there was a shed in the right hand corner. I gazed up at the grey sky.
"Well, you already confessed," she chuckled, "But she said she can talk with you later. I guess, that later is now!" She nodded, looking at me.

"Uhh really?~" My procrastination got the better of me.
"If you don't do it now, the chance is gone!" Layla crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows at me.
"Remember. You love~" She suddenly stopped speaking. "Sorry, I need the toilet! I'll be right back!" Then, she rushed off, with a cheeky expression on her face.
What is she going to do?

-Layla's POV-
I had a brilliant idea. I knocked on the door to Melody and Katrina.
"Come in," I heard Katrina's calm voice, and I entered.
"Just want to talk to you for a minute," I gestured Katrina with my finger. She tilted her head to show confusion, but still followed me.

I closed the bedroom door, and whispered into Katrina's ear.
"Does Melody love Jimin?" I said as quietly as I could.
"Yea, she told me when we were talking." Katrina replied.
I felt my heart beat of excitement.
"Jimin asked me if he should confess to Melody today!" I almost squealed, but tried to keep my cool.
"Well, what would you like me to do?" Katrina asked.

"I want you, to say to Melody that Jimin wants to talk to her in the garden right now." I told her.
"So, that's the plan?" Katrina frowned.
"Yea. It's because Jimin doesn't feel confident to confess from his own will. I'm helping him by getting them together!"
"He's going to... Confess in" Katrina sounds dumb-founded.
"I know, it's a weird plan. But I told him, to ask Melody if she wanted to go somewhere with him - If he feels too nervous at a certain moment. So, he'll probably use that method now! He's waiting, so let's get Melody!"
Katrina goes into the bedroom, and pulls Melody out.

"Um...Where are we going?" Melody stumbles over herself, struggling to keep at Katrina's pace.
"Don't worry." Katrina puts on her cheeky smile, and continues down the stairs.

-Jimin's POV-
I hear footsteps down the stairs. It must be Layla, I thought, and stood up. But, I saw Katrina and Melody instead. They stopped when they saw me.
"Here's Melody!" Katrina motioned, having a big grin on her face.
What is she doing?...
"Remember, you wanted to talk to her, duh?" Katrina made an 'isn't it obvious' face.

I rolled my eyes. I knew Layla was up to something.
"Oh, yea." I lied, scratching the back of my neck. I smiled, but couldn't help slightly gritting my teeth. Great, thanks for planning out my life.
Katrina then left to go back up the stairs.
Melody slowly stepped forward.
"What did you want to tell me?"

"Well, I was wondering... If, you'd like to go somewhere with me tomorrow? To take a little bit of weight off our shoulders," I explained, kind of impressed of my improvisation.
"Oh, sure!" Melody jumped, and giggled. "But where?"
"Maybe, the amusement park near us?" That's actually a good idea.
I was getting good at this (/^_^)/
"That would be so fun!" She ran up to me and pinched my cheeks.
"I missed you, Jiminiee!"

I pouted.
"Aishh, that hurt!" I rubbed my cheek. "I missed you too," I gave her a hug. I caught a glimpse of Melody, she was blushing. Then, I think I blushed too. But I found myslef laughing to myself while her head was still on my chest.
"Mhmm?" Melody looked up at me, with puppy eyes.
"You're so cute!" I poked her cheek with one hand.
"Owee, my cheek stings now!"
"You earned it!" I chuckled.

Then, my eyes landed on her necklace. It's the one I gave her nearly a year ago. At that time, we thought we would not see each other in years. I suddenly feel grateful to come here. It's strange saying this, but if Katrina didn't threaten me I wouldn't have been able to see Melody. So I'm glad in a way, if that makes sense. I lift the necklace from under my top and smile at Melody. She lifts hers too, and stares at it for a while.

"I have not taken it off even once," Melody muttered, examining the necklace.
"Same with me." I responded, "God, the times we went through. It's scary knowing, this isn't the end." I remind myself that I have so many more years to live. Who knows what might happen in my life next?
"Yea... But, because we went through the this, we'll know how to face the future, right?" Melody gazed into my eyes with hope.

How can she be so childish and cute, but so mature at the same time?

"You're exactly right. Do you want to go in and eat lunch?" I yawn and stretch. I wanted to change the subject, because I was starting to reminisce the past.
"Sure. I'm so hungry, what are we having?" Melody walked over to the fridge and opened it.
"Melody, you know I can't cook. So, you girls decide." I lift both arms up in a surrender position.
Melody laughs.
"I know. Oh, I'll make... English breakfast! You know what it is, right?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

No, I don't know.

"Uh... No?" I question myself, even though I already know the answer.
"You have not been living then," Melody shook her head as a joke.
"I guess not!" I laughed.

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