Pick up lines

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Ella's pov

I slapped his cheek not hard but not lightly either.

"What was that for." He asks while holding his cheek.

"Don't talk to me like that." I tell him sternly even though I did like that he called me that.

"Fine babe I will stop." He says with a cheeky smirk.

I try not to smile since he called me babe but I couldn't help it. I lightly shove his shoulder and he laughs.

"Now stop talking and moving I have to clean you up."

(No Point of View)

"She got you pretty good." Said Desmond to Allison while sharpening his pocket knife.

"I let her win but being honest she is very good. She will be good help to us. They're all so stupid though. They already forgot that that we work with Steve. They're not going to know what hit them." Allison says smirking.

"It's better for us that they forgot anyways. Remember you have to get close to this girl. Know everything between her and Harry. What happened to her mom, everything. Steve told me some bullshit about what happened to her mom but I want the truth."
Desmond says putting his now sharp knife away.

Ella's pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I tiredly turn it off and stretch. I get up slowly since my hips still hurt. I walk to the washroom and wash my face. I change into some black sweatpants and a tight black tank top. I tie my hair up in a loose high pony tail. since I have a headache. I put on my Nikes and go in front of the full length mirror. I look at my biceps and noticed they grew a bit making me proud. I'm probably the weirdest girl in the entire world.

I made my way to the door but I saw a note on the floor in front of the door. It said that I can rest today because of my fight yesterday. I take off my shoes and go back in bed even though I know I still can't sleep.
I was thinking of the events that happened yesterday when I heard a knock on the door.

I open the door and see Alison. I just stared at her confused while she smiled at me.

"Can I come in?" She asks surprisingly polite.

I move out of the way for her to come in which she does.
I wonder if she remembers coming to the cabin a couple months back.
She sits on my bed and I just stand in front of her.

"I know we didn't have the best first impressions so I want to introduce myself to you nicely. My name is Allison Berin. I was living on the streets till that age of five. That's when Desmond took me under his wing and trained me. Now I'm known as the best female assassin in this gang. I'm twenty years old now. So tell me a little bit about you."  She says smiling sweetly.
There's something off about this.

I shrug my shoulders not trusting her with anything still, not even my age.

"Come on, there has to be something." She says still insisting me to answer her.

'I'm female' I write on my phone then press play so Siri will read it aloud.

She rolls her eyes at my response and looks annoyed for a moment before returning to her previous smile.

"No shit Sherlock." She says playfully and laughs a bit.

"What ever if you don't want to talk right now you don't have to. By the way you have a mission with Scar tomorrow at one am.  If I were you I would sleep early like around six pm and wake up fresh and energized for the mission. Also Scar was waiting for you at the weapon training floor at twelve pm. You guys will most likely train for at least four hours. Good luck with your first mission." She says while getting off my bed.

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