Netflix and Chill

148 13 7

Ella's pov

"I love it so much Harry thank you" I say kissing Harry's cheek while placing my luggage in the living room of the house.

Harry bought a house and got it fully furnished while I stayed at a hotel. He stayed with me to but also did all of this.

The walls are a cream colour and the couches are really comfy yet nice and black. Theres a glass coffee table in the middle and by the living room is the kitchen. It has black and white marble and looks newly renovated with a stainless steel fridge, and dish washer. There's also a washroom upstairs and downstairs which are both pretty big. Upstarts theres a master bedroom and a guest bedroom.

My favourite part of the whole house is the roof though. Yup there's stairs to the roof where you can just sit. It's like a balcony but a roof. It's seriously so gorgeous.

Once we unpacked everything and went grocery shopping we just chilled. We were watching lion king which is one of my favourite movies. I was extremely tired though and I could feel myself dozing off while Harry played with my hair.

Harry's pov

"Beautiful wake up." I say as kindly as possible since I know Ella hates waking up, and since its 9:57pm I don't think she will be happy.

She mumbles and moves around but doesn't open her eyes.

"Wake up." I say kissing her nose first, then her cheek, then her left cheek, then her forehead, then her eyelids, then her chin, and lastly her lips.

She was smiling so that meant she wasn't mad which made me relived.

"Yes Haz." She says her voice a bit raspy since she just woke up which made her sound hot, just saying.

"I want to show you something." I tell her then grab a hold of her hands and pull her up.

I basically drag her to the roof but once we were up there her mouth falls open in I'm guessing shock.

"I-Harry." She says not knowing what to say. Her eyes sparkle in happiness and she covering her open mouth with both hands.

"I'm speechless." She says astonished and I'm not going to lie Im pretty proud of that.

I got pillows and blankets and placed it on the roof. Along with a box of pizza and water since she's not a big fan of pop. I opened Netflix so we can watch a movie together as well. I also put two candles on either side of the blankets. (Picture at the top/side)

Ellas pov

We're watching The Conjuring and it's actually really good. I was leaning my head on Harry's chest while his arms was around my waist and our legs are tangled together under the blankets. The chilly weather making this more perfect.

"Thanks beautiful." I tell him and he smiles.

"You mean so much to me I don't think you understand that gorgeous." He says looking serious. It made me a little sad knowing he thinks that I don't know he actually cares for me.

"I know Harry and you mean a lot to me, okay?" I ask him so he feels a little more confident in himself.

"Really?" He asks back sounding unsure.

"Really." I confirm placing a soft kiss to his lips.

I know i didn't update in a while and this is a short chapter but my device is lost like its gone it's in hell now since I read so many dirty fan fiction and I'm using my moms phone right now I'm so sorry guys I love all of you and I just wanted a small cute chapter I love all of you thank you for reading and if you can please vote and comment I love all of you

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