Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Aria's POV

As we are walking, I got tired so Louis took Ryan from my hip and carried him on his back. We walked a little further and I saw a sign that says

'Science Labs 5 minutes ahead.'

Louis walks over to me with Ryan on his back.

"We're almost there, love," he says and takes my hand. We continue walking and about 5 minutes later we are at the gate of the science labs.

"We're here!" Ryan says from Louis' back.

"Yes sweetie, we are here," I say and keep walking with Louis' hand in mine.

We walk up to the monitor and it starts speaking.

"Who's there?" a man asks from the monitor.

"My name is Aria and this is Louis and Ryan. I think I am the cure to stop the zombies," I say.

"Oh, in that case ,come in," he says again and the gate opens.

Louis, Ryan and I walk inside and we are greeted with scientist's in lab coats and an armed guard.

"Hi," Ryan says to them. Aw.

"So, you think you are a cure, hey? Can you prove that it worked?" the guard says.

"Shush Eric. Hello, I am the head scientist here and I was wondering how do you think you are immune and if you are do you know if it will work?" one of the scientists asks me, who is slightly nicer than the other guy.

"Well. You know when you are bitten; you should turn 2-3 days after?" I say and they all nod.

"Well I was bitten about just over a month ago and I still haven't turned," they all look shocked. I pull down my sock and show them the bite mark.

"See," I say as they examine my bite mark.

"Well, that sure is a bite mark. I do believe you are immune to the zombies, but how?" the head scientist asks.

"Well, my theory is that because my dad was the head of the government and my mum was the head of the rebels they mixed together and made me. Immune," I say. Again they all look shocked and surprised.

"How do you know this works?" the scientist behind everyone asks curiously.

"Well, Ryan here was a zombie. But as you can see he is not now because he touched my blood" I said.

They start talking and come over to me.

"Would you mind giving us a blood sample to see if it works, I have a plan," the head scientist says.

"Sure," I say and follow them into a room with thousands of glass beakers filled with water.

They take my blood sample and put a drop of it in the water.

The water turns into a light red colour. Wow.

"Ok, sprinkle this over the zombies we have in our experiment lab and see if it works. Only one drop," he says to Eric.

Eric walks over to the next room and brings in 2 zombies attached to a chair.

He pours a drop of the water on both the heads and they slowly turn back to normal. OH MY GOD.

Now you probably think I am surprised because it actually worked but no, I am surprised at the 2 people standing in front of me.

"MOM, DAD YOU'RE ALIVE," I scream and run to hug them.

They hug me back just as tight.

"Oh my god, my sweet little baby girl. You've grown up so much," my mum says and starts to cry.

"Oh my little girl is so independent now," my dad says and starts crying.

We all start crying in each other's arms.

When we finish I look behind me and see Louis with tears in his eyes.

"Louis, come here and meet my parents," I say and Louis walks over.

"It's lovely to meet you Mr and Mrs Atwood," Louis says politely.

"Oh don't be silly, call me Jasmine," my mum says.

"Ok, its lovely to meet you Jasmine," Louis says and goes to shake my mum's hand.

"No dear, we hug in this family," My mum says and pulls him into a hug. We all join in and Ryan waddles over.

"Grandma? Grandpa?" he questions my parents.

"OH MY LORD, you have a child?" my mum asks me.

"Sort of. It's a long story," I say.

"We've got time," my dad says, smiling.

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