Meeting us

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I am 17 years old. I have 2 oldeer brother Justin and Jack who are 19 and twins. We live with our Mom and Dad. I am 5ft 6in with long blonde hair with red highlights. My wolf in black with bright blue eyes.


Im 17 and 6ft 3in. I have short brown hair. Im the captin of the football team. My wolf is brown with emerald green eyes. I am an only child and I live with my dad.


I am 17 and 6ft 4in with long black hair and I always have a snapback on. I have a little sister named lilly she is 3. My wolf is white with hazel eyes that match mine.

Justice pov_____

I was called to the office and got a new schedule I walked to my new class and see Jake and Austin with one open seat between them. Feel each of them grab my hands as I sit down. It feels like fireworks shooting up my arms. Thats when my wolf and I growled mates. As class ended we walked together hand hand and hand to our next class. I turn around as I feel my brother wrap his arms around me and pull me back as i hear my mates growl I pull away from him to calm down Jake and Austin I pulled away and wrap my arms around my mates. They stop growling "Jack stop these are my mates Alex and Austin" Alex Austin this is Jack my brother". "Oh ok we thought it was someone else" the boys say in unison. I walked to my next class with these to hot boys next to me.

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