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Lizzy pov

Ok so there is this girl named Kaylee who is so pretty like I feel like I have a crush on her. I heard Lexi talking about how some girls like girls and I think I do but what is she is not my mate. 'Hi I'm karley' 'Omg what are you' 'I'm your wolf silly' 'oh hi' 'she is our mate' ' really is she a wolf?' 'Yes' 'how come I can here you but I can't see you' 'cuz I have not fully developed to you yet' 'oh should I talk to her' 'yes' I walk up to Kaylee "hey Im Lizzy" she looks up shyly "hi I'm Kaylee" I sit next to her and we brush shoulders and I feel a tingle and from her face so does she. Then the bell rang and class was over we swamped numbers and I saw Lexi and Kyle here to get my I wave bye to kaylee.

Skip car ride

Lizzy POV

'Lexi can I talk to you alone' I mind link her she nods we go to my room " my wolf karley said I found my mate and when we touched I felt a tingle but umm she is a girl" lexi looks shocked "do you like her Lizzy" I nod "then ask her on a date and see what she says" I nod "thank you Lexi" she nods and walks out

L is for lizzy k for kaylee

L- hey Ik you felt the tingles earlier do you wanna go on a date Friday night"

K- yes that would be amazing 😘😘

L- ok goodnight beautiful😍👑😍😘💗

K- nite 💗😘💗

'Lexi she said yes' 'congrats'

I think I'm a lesbian at the age of 10 what will mommy and daddy do???

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