Omg their 6

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Time laps 5 years

Justice POV

My babies are turning six!! I'm so happy but then again I miss them being little. So we are getting ready for their surprise party and Austin and Alex are helping with all the decorations while I'm getting all their friends set up and ready for the party. Alexandra friend Ashley came up to me crying "whats the matter Ashley??" I ask bending down "Ccj hit me" "sweetie were is he at?" She points and I bend down and he kisses me I wanted to smack him but I just said "CJ its not nice to hit girls or kiss married women." He looks at me and says " I didn't mean to hurt her and I'm sorry for kissing you" "its ok and why did you hit Ashley??" I turns his head away and says "I like her more than a friend" I smile "why don't you tell her then and I think she likes u more than a friend" I turn and get Ashley "Now Cj tell her what u told me ok." I walk away


Yea I know I'm young but I really like Ashley and I do know what it means do to my wolf Jacob he said she is our mate and I really didn't want to hurt her. "Ashley Phillips I like you a lot more than a friend" her checks turn pick and she smiles I love her smile even its so beautiful. "Cj I like you to" and I give her a big hug she is so warm.

Ashley POV

EEPPP Kelly my wolf told me earlier that Jacob and CJ were our mate I'm so happy and he kisses me on the mouth I felt a tingle in my lips.

Justice POV

After I saw that I was happy that they are happy and I got a mind link from Austins mom who had the twins and she said they are gonna be here in 5 minutes " Ok everyone go to the spot you were gonna hide in while I turn out the lights" and the banner and stickers lite up in the dark we all hid and waited until the lights got turned in "SURPRISE!!!!!!" we all jump out and scream I run up and pick up my beautiful kids. They were so happy to see there friends!!

Time laps 3 hours

Austin POV

Well the kids loved there presents we got Carter and ATV and Alexandra a huge barbie house. They loved them.

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