never call again

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Lizzy and Kenzie at the top

Carter POV

I got a call from the pack house phone.
"Carter its me your father" what how did he get the number "I dont want to speak to you after what you did to mom like who the hell does that to your mate like respect her she is yours and you give her up because you didn't get laid." I here him gasp " is that anyway to speak to your father" I'm pissed right now like does he think he can call after all of this time "what the hell do you want" I ask in disgust. He sound pissed "I actually called to apologize to you for my actions when I was younger." I growl like really man "Apology NOT exempted and never call again" with that I hang up the phone. "Lexi can I talk to you" she walks in and shuts the door "what's up big bro" I need to tell her "Austin just called" she gasp "what did he want you have to tell mom and dad" I shake my head yes "I know I will he wanted to apologize for his past and I basically told him to shove it" she smiles "that's my bro now let's tell dad and mom."

Hours later

Carter POV

I told mom and dad and they put out restraining order against him on all of us kids and them. I kinda feel safer now that I know he can't hurt me.

Lexi POV

Kyle and I are talking and my cell phone e rings I answer it and its him so I put it on speaker and mout kyle get my parents and Carter fast bit quite " what the bloody hell do you want and if its to apologize then don't waste your breathe😡😡" I'm pissed that he has the fucking balls to do this. That's when dad walks in and takes my phone "leave MY fucking kids alone you prick don't try all or call anymore if you call again I'm calling the cops for harassment." Dad growls into the phone. "Oh Alex my old best friend what the hell happened oh yes I forgot our mate didn't want this dick so she lied and I had the beat fucking time of my life" he snaps "don't ever talk about Justice like that she loved you and you acted like a total prick. And leave hee out of this now stop calling my kids" he growls and hangs up.

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