Carter finds his mate

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Carters POV.

I walk in school next to Lexi and I smell strawberries and coconut and I look up and see a beautiful girl. She is so pretty. Rex my wolf is going crazy and howling he is screaming 'mate' I walk up to her and whispher "mate" in her ear in a hushed growl she turns around stunned but beautiful with her long reddish orange hair and bright green eyes. "I'm Ciara my wolfs name is savanna" she says with a sexy Irish accent. "I'm Carter my wolfs name is  Chaz and he is happy to meet you." "Savanna is happy to meet you to" we walk to class I kiss her and ask "will you Ciara be my girlfriend" she says "YES!!" we walk to class we have all the same.

End of day

"You wanna come home with me" she nods her head when we get there.We walk in the house and mom looks at me and smiles. "Mom this is Ciara she is my mate" mom hugs her and like is crying "my little boy is all grown up and sweetie you should have your folks come over for dinner tonight" Ciara nods and calls her parents.

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