Alexandra find her mate

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Lexi POV

I walk in school. And I smell a sweet coconut and forest smell its delicious.
Lucy starts howling (my wolf) what I ask her MATE SHE SCREAMS IN MY HEAD where?? Over there he is new.
I look at him he looks up and growls mate right as Carter hugs me. He walks over and growls "get off my mate" Carter looks at me then him and says "bro calm down I'm her twin brother take a chill pill" he looks at him and says "sorry man I didn't know" he looks into my brown eyes and says "I'm Kyle Lockwood and my wolf Tyler says hello beautiful" Carter waves bye and walks away. "Oh I'm sorry I'm Alexandra Constancio but call me lexi and Lucy my wolf says your fucking sexy" I giggle he looks at me and smiles "so your new here huh" "yup how did u know" "you still got the new guy smell" I laugh a little. He grabs my hand and says "I'm your mate and I want you to be my girlfriend??" I smile and nod. I look at his and my schedule and we have all the same classes. He walks me to class.

End of the day

"Kyle will you come see my parents and meet our pack??" Yes we have a pack now we are one of the largest packs in the world and dad is alpha.
He nods a little scared. "Yayy my mom will love you and so will my little sisters Lizzy and Kenzie."  He looks scared "don't worry baby the will love you and did you drive if not I can give you a ride??" "Nope I don't drive but I would love a ride"

When we get home my little Lizzy comes out yelling "Lexi brought home a boy daddy!!" I mind link her 'u little shit' my dad walks out pissed "who is this it better be your mate or he is leaving" "Father calm ur Dick" I hear Carter yell. Omg I can't believe he did that. "Daddy it is now can we go in" he nods we walk in he is sniffing around "wait your part of the Lockwood family" kyle nods slightly "well then you are welcome over anytime why don't we call your folks and you guys could stay for dinner." Kyle nods and pulls out his phone and calls and explains and gives them an address "they will be over soon" yayy I get to meet his family.

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