my babies

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At home_______
Justice pov.

So as soon as we got home i see my beautiful babies playing with their grandpa in my living room. "My babies!!" i scream as i run up and grab Alexa and Carter from my dad. After playing with my babies for like 3 hours they both fell asleep in arms. I carried them to their bed rooms. I walk to my room and see my handsome husbands watching tv and pigging out on chips and cookies. "Wow we just got home and you have raided the kitchen." i say with a smirk and a giggle and they just eat. I go to the bathroom to change into a black tank top with red booty shorts. I walk put and the boys dont notice until i clear my throat and their mouths drop. I giggle and state "r u tring to catch flys boys." they close their mouths and keep eating. Iay on the bed and fall asleep soon after.

Alex pov

So i wake up and hear 2 little growls from the kids room. I see 2 little wolf pups runing around. What the hell is happing I say to myself there is no way in hell they have shifted already there only a year old. I run in to the room and get Austin and Justice "hey get up we have a problem GET UPP!!!" i scream both of them get up "what" they both mumble i explained what i saw and we all three get up when we hear a wimper.

Cliff hanger lol

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