What im pregnant?!?!

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Justice pov.

      I woke up and i could barely walk. I walked to the bathroom and throw up 3 times. The boys woke up amd ran to the bathroom to comfort me. I cryed and they mindlinked the pack doctor. Justin the pack doctor came in after the boys helped me change and get them selves dressed. Justin came in and ask "What is the matter" he said in an annoyed voice. Jake butted in before i could talk " Is that  anyway to talk to the Alphas daughter anf her mates sir" Justin look shocked and says "Im very sorry but what is the matter." I spoke up softly "well i think you heard last night and i woke up puking alot." he new what it was. He spoke up and said "yes the whole house heard it but boys can you carry her to my office  please." the nod and i get picked up bridal style by Alex. Alex carried me to Justins office and layed me on a table.

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