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Justice pov

The boys insisted that they walk me home after school. When i walked in the door my dad looked at me then at the two boys holding my hands. My dad held out his hand to the boys "Joesph who are you two boys" my dad said with a stern face " I am Austin and we are Justice's mates sir." as he took my dads hand the Jake spoke next "Im Jake and yes we are both Justice's mates" as he took my dads hand. "Thank you boys for being so honest with me and congrats. And dont hurt my little girl" my dad said with a smile. " So have you guys thought were you want to live and if you choose here thats fine but first we have to let you meet the pack. And i have the perfect time." we all looked at each other and tje bous shook their hand and said "we would love to live here".
" yay!!!". So they texted and told there family and they were sending there clothes over soon but that they had to go home to get ready for the party. I ran upstairs to clean my room and get ready. ( justice outfit at the top) The party was justice about to start and I sent the boys a text

To Austin and Jake r u on ur way the party is about to start

From Austin and Jake yea we just about to pull in babe

To Austin and Jake kk I will meet you by the door babes

I walked down the stairs and out the door. 5 minutes later I see them get out of the car and walk towards me both in a polo shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

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