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:(((A week later:(((

Justice and Alex convo

J- where is he the kids will be here any minute
A- I mind linked his wolf and he won't answer so he has been blocked out by him
J- I still can't believe he would do that to me to us to our kids but I guess he dont love us as much as he said he did
A- Justice ur right he loves us move he is just in a bad place.
J- well his bad place could get him a divorce but I would never do that to Carter and Lexi.
A- just calm down justice we will tell the kids that he is away for work.

Just then the door opens and I see Michelle and Lexi. "Where is Carter at mom" I asked in a duhh tone "Austin came and picked him up a couple days ago and said that Carter and him were leaving."

Alex POV

"Lexi go to ur room plz" she runs to play with her toys "umm Michelle Austin has not been here for over a week he left the day we gave u the kids. Do you know were he would take him???" She looks so sad and says "umm maybe" I look at with a really look "you gonna tell us or make us wait" she nodes " San Antonio" I knew he would go there I just wanted to see oif she knew and looks like we are taking a trip home. We look at each other and I say "I will book 4 flights to San Antonio, Texas. Lexi time to pack" grandma goes to help while justice and i get ready.

Justice POV

"So how long we gonna be there? And can we call the San Antonio police for a kid napping of our son." I say he nods "like 3 weeks and yes we should" he grabs his phone and calls the police in San Antonio.

Austin POV

Yes I took my son to San Antonio and that bitch will never get him back and I'm getting a divorce and they can be happy together and I'll stay here with my family and my son.

Michelle POV

Ok so yes I helped Austin get carter I never liked Alex or Justice.

Lexi POV

Mommy and daddy think i dont know what's happening but I saw dad take Carter from grandma and say "they will never see him ever again" he aslos said a bunch of stuff I recorded it all and I showed it to daddy. I took my phone and said "thank you Lexi" then he went to show mommy.

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