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---2 Months Later-------

Justice pov.

So im 9 months pregnant and about to pop at anytime now. Its gonna be soon i can tell by the contractions are getting closer and more painfull." OH MY FUCKING LORD THIS HURTS" i scream as loud as i can while the boys are setting up the babies rooms while im on bed rest and i hear my mom and brothers helping them. I feel something run down my leg when im getting up then i see and puddle in my bed i scream "omg im in labor!!" the boys run in and Austin picks my fat ass up and carries me to the car. And I swear he broke the speed limit. When arrived i hear Austin scream "shes in labor" i see 4 nurses run over with a wheelchair i got sat doon then pushed into a room The doctors said that i had about 10mins after i was placed in the room before i had to start pushing. they gave me a shot to relive the pain. "ok Justice its time to push but we only want u and the father in the room." The nurse said in a high bicthy voice. "well im sorry but they are both the fathers and im not going to argue with you so they stay or im not giving birth today" i reply as bitchy as i could. She mumbled "ok fine" as she "coughed" she said slut. "u BITCH" i yelled. she walked out as the doctor came in and stated "its time to push Justice" i nod and start pushing and OMFG it hurts like hell having a babies head coming out of ur vagina. I snapped out of it when i heard a little scream coming from down by my feet. I smiled and pushed harder to get my other little baby out. I kept pushing hard until I heard another little scream I smiled and started crying with my handsonme mates crying tears of joy with me. " Justice that was actually a quickest birth that i have ever done. So thanks that put you through less pain."he said witha smile i replied "thanks doctor and when can we see the kids" he nodded and pointed over to the nurses carrying my little boy and girl. they handed me Carter who looked like Austin and handed Alexandra to Alex who she looked like. Im so happy i have my babies and my mates so now i have Alexandra Nicole Constancio and Carter Reed Mahone. With that thought i fell asleep after i feed my little babies.

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