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Kyle POV

I really want to mark her but I want mission from Carter and her parents first. "Yo carter can I talk to you" he nods and we walk to his room. "Ok so I really want to mark Lexi but I wanted her familys permission first so do I have your permission to mark your sister." He smiles "Thank you for asking and yes I give you permission." Yes "thank you so much."

Carter POV

He is really love sick and now he wants my sister prego. But hey I will be an uncle so cool.

Kyle POV.

I walk into the kitchen "Hello Justice and Alex can I ask you something??" Justice speaks up "yes what's up hun?" "Um I wanted your permission to mark you daughter on our 1 month anniversary next weekend at my family's cabin in the woods?" Alex looks pissed off "you have known my daughter for 1 month and now you want to get her pregnant what the hell man!!!" Alex yells "I'm sorry sir I just wanted your permission instead of going behind your back." I say shakily I turn to walk out and I here "son come back here" I turn and walk back " I'm sorry for yelling and I'm happy you asked for permission and my answer is yes but don't hurt her" I look and justice she nods in agreement. Yayyyy they said yes. "Please don't tell her I'm begging you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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