movie double date

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Cater POV.

"Lexi we should have a double date me and Ciara and you and Kyle." She nods "we could have it at our movie theater with the beds in the house." She adds I nod I call Ciara "hey baby are you busy tomorrow night Lexi and I are have a double movie date. Just come over to my place after school and you could stay the night with me plz baby" she sounds happy "yes".

Lexi pov

I call Kyle "Baby do you wanna come for a double date with Carter and Ciara tomorrow night and you could stay the night. Plz say yes we have our own movie theater in our house that has beds." He says "yep I all be over tomorrow after school" "bye" I say and hang up. "Carter he said yes what did ciara say??" He nod and finger spells Y-e-s.

Tomorrow after school

Lexi pov

We all walk into the house and set our stuff down and I grab the shit load of snacks we had one of the pack members buy. Its Kyle and I on one bed and Carter and Ciara on another. The movie that Carter and Kyle picked is The Visit I bet only to scare me and Ciara into there arms.

Skips part of the movie

Ciara and Lexi POV

We are both cuddled up hiding our faces in our mates chest. Like really you two they had to pick a scary one.

Kyle and Carter pov

Yes!! It worked they are so scared.

End of movie

Carter POV

Both the girls are asleep so I mind link Jacob "hey bro can you bring some blankets and pillows into the theater plz" "sure thing" so I tell kyle "hey I have someone bringing blankets and pillows we can just sleep in here" he nods Jacob brings the stuff in and we all fall asleep cuddled up to our mate.

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