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Lizzy POV

Ok so today is my 'date' with Karley. So I put on a blue dress with some gray sandals and straighten my hair. Oh shit I look at the time and grab my stuff. Great I missed the bus. I run in the house and see Lexi up. "Lexi can you take me to school I missed the bus." She nods

At school

"Hey karley" "hi I'm so exited for tonight" she says as she hugs me.

Skip the school Day

"Hey Lizzy am I still coming home with you??" Karley asks with a smile. "Well actually we are not going home Lexi my sister is picking us up and taking us to our date" I say grabbing her hand and walking out of the school getting weird looks from kids and parents.

Karley POV

When we getting looked at weridly I was sad that two people can't be who they are without people judging. I don't care what they think about us. When we get into the car. Lexi I guess is her name is driving and says "hey guys how was school?? Oh and hi Karley don't be upset about the people in front." "Oh were not upset and hi" I state like about 15 minutes later we park at a small park outside of town.

Lizzy POV

We are here I paid Lexi Tyler Carter and Ciara to come set up speakers and lights and set up the picnic stuff in the cove of pine trees. I grab her hand and we go back into the trees as 'They Don't Know About Us' by one direction. She smiles we walk Into the cove and see the picnic and the lights and they even took roses and made a heart on the trees its so beautiful. "I know I planed this they really did this well." I say with a huge smile on my face and she looks like she is about to cry I hug her and I don't want to let go. "Karley has your wolf talked to you about us yet??" She nods my eyes go black "MATE!!" she nods in agreement and we hug. I grab her had and walk over to the blanket. She stops walking and grabs my arm and kisses me and whispers "I love you Elizabeth Mackenzie Constancio" i smile so much and kiss her back and I say "I love you 2 Karley Michelle Lewis" we walk over to the blanket I pull out a box and ask "Karley Michelle Lewis will you be my girlfriend" she nods yay I take out the necklace and put it around her neck. The necklace has a K+L on it. I grab the basket and pull out junk food. She smile "damn this is one reason I love ya you get me so well."

Karley pov

Yayy I have a girlfriend.

After date

Lexi POV

They get in the car and I see the necklace "I see she said yes" they both nod and "Karley do you want to stay the night at our house??" She nods. We get home and they go to Lizzy's room. I walk into my room and see my sexy beast of a boyfriend playing video games I sit on his lap as he continues to play I grab a remote and start playing against his. Long story short I win. "Victory I win!!!" He gives me the really look "what you like as a prize" hmm I tap my chin "oh now i know how about this" as I  kiss him.
We lay down and cuddle then I realize that everyone is cuddled up with something or someone.

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