
154 2 2

Mykhyia: 17

Imani: 15

Hakeem: 18


Mike smith:19


Sorry i was having a writers block. And I also had finals this week so i was trying to give yo an update on the ages cuz i was confused myself but i changed Imani character to her ^^^^^^^
Imani is played by manibae12 so follow her and IF YOU WANNA BE IN THE BOOK READ THE NEXT PART.
Character name:
Who are you in the book:
Character nickname:
If you want to be the co-writer text me privately please and thank you
Ill update tomorrow and Friday but Christmas week it will ONLY  be UPDATED  on MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY after that its the whole time until New Years week then it will ONLY be TEUSDAY AND THURSDAY
That is all i needed to tell u love u
Total words:149

Thugs daughterWhere stories live. Discover now