Chapter Two

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*Present Day*

Emily's POV

It was 3 days before 8th grade, and I'm now 13.

Ahh, how things have changed.

First of all, I dyed my hair dirty blonde, since I had brown hair.

Second of all, I moved from from California to New Jersey in the beginning of 7th grade, just to get away from all the memories, with my foster mother, Karen, yes, the same from before.

Some things that HAVEN'T changed?

My parents' murder.

Still going unsolved.

Also, here's some wacky news.

The ICONic boyz from America's Best Dance Crew just came back from the show, placing second.

But, right after, news spread that one of the boys, Vincent I think, left the boys.

All of my friends are going crazy about it.

They don't know whether to be happy they're coming back, or sad that he left.

Me? I'm okay about it, I honestly couldn't care.

It's not like we would communicate anyway, they'll probably be bombarded with girls.

But I have to admit, they are good dancers.

As I sort through my school supplies, my closest and best friend Ryder texts me.

Her: Have you heard?

Me: Most likely.


Me: Didn't they used to live here?

Her: Well YEAH, but they might move to a more famous part of NJ, y'know.

Me: Maybe.

Her: You okay Em?

Me: Yeah, why?

Her: Idk, you don't really seem enthusiastic.

Me: Well, honestly, idrc about them.

Her: Oh.

I didn't text her back after that. I had too much on my plate right now.

I had to check off my school supplies off of a checklist to make sure I had everything for this school year.

PLUS, I had to go to the store in a bit to pick up some snacks.

AND THEN I had to clean the house before Karen came back.

Well, might as well get it done now.

I started to make my way down my street, since the store is only about 2 blocks away.

As I walked in, I noticed a group of boys talking about which drink they were going to get.

I bet you can guess who they were.


Oh goodness.

The Iconic Boyz...and Vincent.

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