Can I have a different hero?

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I was walking briskly with my carry-on. I hadn't seen my bags since the windows exploding. I only know one thing; I need to get to London soon. Like tomorrow. 

I wrap my strap around my shoulders and Carry it like a side satchel. Why was Louis being that mean? Zayn didn't deserve it, and Harry wasn't part of the problem. Those boys can figure it out all on their own. 

This drama is too much. I need a shower and some rest.

I pulled my phone out, and I called the lease woman how helped with my flat. 


I told her my dilemma, she understood and let me have two weeks. I don't think I need the time but she offered and this gives me some leanancy. 

My converse are getting a little dirty from the mud, but seriously what am I going to do? I mentally laugh at myself. I keep walking but I'm playing movies in my head, songs, and going over old books. (I know, NERD!!!!) 

I've been walking for about and hour and a half. No traffic has passed me. I find that weird.

I fiddle with my bag and switch sides. I just keep going. This is utterly boring.




It was starting to get dark and I didn't know what I was going to do about shelter. I just kept going and I was hoping that someone would pass by. I heard music, I checked myself to make sure that my iPod was shut off. It was. 

I looked around and way behind me was a big black van hauling a$$ and there was a giant dust cloud. Something about it made me uneasy. I turned back forward and just kept my eyes on where I was headed.

I heard it getting closer and I held my breath when I heard it slow down....for me.

It was right next to me now. I kept my eyes forward. 

"Hey babe!" Someone slurred out the window. I remained in my actions.

The car stopped and I heard doors open and close. I closed my eyes and there was a hand on my shoulder. I turned towards him and he wreaked of alcohol. To the point where I wanted to throw up.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me to his, "Hey baby, where you going at this hour?" 

I pushed my hands up onto his chest and got out of his grip. Only to bump into someone else.

I spun around and he was looming over me. 

I gasped a little when I noticed one...two...three...four of them. I knew I was in for it now. The original guy came up to me, "Baby let's go back to my place." He grabbed my wrist and all of them grabbed onto me.

Between the slurring, and alochol I couldn't think straight. I just did the only thing I could. I struggled for dear life. I was screaming and kicking. One of them clamped a hand over my mouth. Another held my legs and I was officially powerless.

I was successfully in their car and getting slobbered on. I wasn't crying, I was still fidgeting and trying to get loose. 

Not even mere minutes after they had me pinned, a slam came from the back of the car. I was inbetween two guys in the back and there was a driver and passenger. My wrists were bound and I was getting sloppy kisses.

The car stopped and the drunk driver jumped out. I heard yelling, then fighting. The passenger got out. I tried screaming but I was muted by a hand once again. 

"RAIN? HOLD ON, WE'LL GET YOU!!!" Someone screamed from outside. What the actual f-...

I started struggling even more. I was manhandled and then one of the guys left and I was only with the original slob. He straddled my hips as I laid down in the seats, he had a hand over my lips and he was really close to me.

I was so fear struck that I didn't know what to do. I closed my eyes and then I heard a car door open. I looked up to see Louis standing there with a shocked expression. It instantly changed to a terrifying look of KILL. 

The slob was removed from me and I tryed sitting up but Louis just climbed in. I scooted away from him. 

"Really, we just save your arse from four rapists and you're scared of me?" He glares. I look away from him and I sense him scoot closer. I squint my eyes shut and he pushes me roughly against the passenger seat. I begin to protest until he removes my bindings. 

"Ummm thanks Louis." I refuse eye contact and he just grabs my arms and groans.

We get out of the car and I see Zayn and Liam fighting the two guys from the front seat. Niall is sitting with a bleeding Harry. I rush over and kneel down in front of them. 

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?!" I place a hand on Harry's cheek and another on his bleeding arm. He gives off a throaty chuckle, "Yeah babe I'm fine."

I stand up and Louis wraps an arm around my waist, "Get in the car." He stares straight at me. 

I shake my head, "No, I appreciate you helping me but I had everything under control." Then Liam and Zayn walk over to us all sweating and heaving. 

"UNDER CONTROL?!?!?!?!?!" Zayn grabs my arm and shakes me.


Logan came into my kitchen and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He traced the bruise along my cheekbone. "I'm so sorry baby girl. Does it hurt?" I swallowed hard, "No, it's fine. I took aspirin." 

I walked away to clean the countertops and he grabbed my arms. He shook me and started screaming at me. "YOU DESERVED THIS SLAG!" He threw me to the ground but I cracked my head open on the corner of the counter.


I close my eyes tightly and cower into Louis. Zayn let's me go and I just shake. "Love, I wasn't going to hurt you." I wipe away threatening tears and I pull away from Louis. 

"I know you guys just saved my ass, but I need to get going. Louis was right, I need to just go." I turned to leave but Liam grabbed me and dragged me, kicking and screaming, to the car.

He grabbed my wrists and shoved me into a seat.I went to protest but he wagged a finger in my face, "If I hear one more word out of you I will more than certainly leave you with these wankers we just beat up."

Everyone piled in. I was in the back with Louis. Harry and Niall were in the middle than Liam was navigating while Zayn drove. 

"Rain, can I talk to you about what happened earlier at the Diner?" Louis whispered to me. 

I looked at him and just stared hard at him. Then I turned my back on him. I looked out my window.


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