Liverpool to Manchester...wanna know my secrets?

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After a good five or ten minutes of sobbing. Liam pulled away, and held me at arms length.

"Rain, we need to keep moving. It'll take us about an hour to get to Manchester and then we can go get coffee and talk this all through." He smiled reassuringly at me. I just nodded and moved to get into the car.

"but Rain," He stopped me, "You need to tell the boys." I stared at him wide eyed.

"No. I didn't even want to travel with you guys. I don't even like you guys!" I huffed and Harry and Louis both audibly sighed from in the car.

Liam and I climbed in. 

Niall and Louis were facing us from a backwards seated bench seat. I was jammed inbetween Harry and Zayn while Liam was shotgun. "We heard all of that." Zayn whispered in my ear.

I looked at all of the boys with wet, shocked expression. They simply looked at me with pity.

I slouched and Harry put an arm over my shoulders, "Love, there's nothing to be embarassed about. We all just want you to be happy and ok." 

What I wanted to say and what I did say were two completely, different things. "Thank you Harold, that's very kind of you to say." The boys just gleaned at me.

"Err...*Cough....ummm Rain?" A familiar Irish accent stammered.

I looked up at him, he looked nervous. "Yes Niall?"

"I just wanted to say, I'm very sorry for your loss and if you ever need anything we're all here for you."

He looked awkward so I just politely nodded his direction.

Louis looked like he couldn't slouch into his corner any more or he'd fall into the seat cracks.

I stared at him, and I could tell he was getting uncomfortable. I scoffed and turned away from him.

Zayn was sitting and he was playing with the frayed edges on my bag. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and leaned back in my seat. 

Harry took that opportunity to slide both of us to his corner so I was practically leaning into his chest. I looked up at him and he had a sly grin. "If you try anything, I'll cut off your curls." I groaned.

The guys all chuckled and then I really did relax into his chest and closed my eyes.


"Everyone wake up!!!" Liam yelled.

I turned more into Harry and he had a tight grip around my waist.  

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "love we really need to get out now." I gently sat upright and Harry pulled me back in. I giggled and I focused my view on Liam who was trying to wake a cuddling Niall and Louis.

Zayn was stretching and then turned to me, "Want some help?" I just nodded.

He slid his arms around my waist and then pulled me onto his lap and from Harry's clutches.

I laughed a little and he kissed my temple, nonchalantly and got out. I was still giggling until I looked at Harry, who was glaring at me.

"What's up your butt?" I poked his tummy. 

With a growl, "None of your business." Then he exited the car. Niall got out after him and Louis looked at me.

He smiled a little and patted my knee, "Ladies first!" 

I climbed out and Liam had offered me his hand. I took it and we walked into an alley way. I was confused until we heard paparazzi and fans screaming.

We entered the back of a hotel and immediately went to the suite on the top floor.

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