Niall rescued me, Thanks potato.

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We were riding the elevator down and not a single syllable was muttered. 

"So, where are we going?" I was standing awkwardly with my right arm across my body gripping my left elbow and my ballet flats were at different angles. 

"There's a little Patisserie Belle Epoque and it's not very busy so I thought that it would be suitable for us." He smiled kindly and I just nodded.

We exited the elevator and the lobby was busy with workers and tennants. Harry gripped a hand around my waist and pulled me along. "Whatever you do, just keep your head low and let me lead you to the car." He was whispering in my ear but I couldn't help but notice the yelling, and photographers outside. 

We left the door and the sound was deafening, I wanted to go back inside but Harry gripped tighter and we walked towards the car. I pressed myself harder into his chest and we were finally in the car. My door slammed shut, then I heard Harry's voice screaming. I looked back and he was in the face of a reporter. I was about to jump out but I saw the other boys coming up for his rescue.

The back doors opened and were closed quickly. Zayn, Niall, and Liam were in the backseat. Louis was in the front seat. He started the car and we speedily took off. 

"What about Hunter and Harry?!" I panicked. Zayn put a hand on my shoulder, "Don't get worked up, Hunter had a second car waiting behind us." I simply nodded and we left it at that.

"So, why don't we get some grub?" Niall poked his head up front.

"Sure, Niall, where to?" Louis asked, while intently watching the road. I saw his stick figure tattoo. I smirked and he was raising his eyebrows at me. Then my phone blared, "Rain, answer your phone! This is Harold! Answer your phone!!!!!" It was screeching.

We all started laughing then I answered, "Hello Harold."

"Hey, Rain, I'm so sorry about that. Are you hurt?" He sounded so mad.

"No, I'm fine, honest. The boys and I are all unscathed. Let's meet up at that pastry shop. Belle Epoque." I tried to lighten his feelings but he still growled a goodbye.

I hung up and leaned my head on the window. A hand came on my shoulder, it was Zayns'. I leaned my head on his hand and he rubbed tiny circles in my shoulder. 

~Twenty Minutes later~

We pulled into the parking lot and walked down the block to the bakery. I was walking hand and hand with Niall while the other boys walked around us, we were like a small mob. Liam, however, was staying as far away from me as possible.

We walked into the bakery and they were all talking about the things they were going to order so i took the opportunity to grab Liam and I pulled him six feet past the store, and into an alley. 

I pushed him against a wall, "Ok, what's with you? We were fine, and then when you overheard me in the kitchen with Hunter you've been avoiding me like the plague." 

He was fidgeting like crazy and i was a bit nervous that he was going to cry. Then he locked eye contact with me. I loosened my grip on his grey shirt and then he grabbed my arms, he wasn't scary just tentative.

"You want to know why I'm acting like this?" He searched my eyes, his own bouncing from side to side.

I just nodded. Like a moron.

"How am I supposed to act around a girl that I love when three of my best mates already like her? I don't have a chance with you if you're already looking at Louis. Or Zayn, or especially Harry." He looked beat up.

So, I did the only thing I could do, no, I didn't kiss him. I hugged him, tightly. It took a little while but he finally responded. We stood there hugging.

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