That's how we roll in the Shire.

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"Louis, please don't take this the wrong way but....why the hell do you want to talk to me? You hate me."

I sneered as I kept my head low and walked towards the restaurants.

He chuckled lightly and slipped a hand over my shoulders, "Babe, I just want to sit down with you and let you know what I'm feeling." 

The cheekiest grin was spread on his face.

Surprise surprise we ended up sitting in Starbucks sipping iced coffees.

"So Louis, what do you want to express?" I asked nonchalantly. 

He shifted awkwardly in his seat, then a group of girls came into the coffee shop, everyone went silent.

"Lou...." I whispered. 

The scene was when the predator is watching the prey and no one breaks eye contact so the only sound is the breathing of the nervous prey. In this case, Lou and I are the prey while the six teenage girls are the predators.

In one quick movement Louis grabs my hands, and we dart out the side entrance of the shop. I hear screaming from right behind us and we just keep running as fast as possible to avoid mobbing.

*After ten minutes of continual sprinting*

Louis slows down to a jog and we end up walking like normal people.

People around us give us weird looks, then I burst out into a fit of laughter, while Louis just stared at me until joining in.

We were leaning on each other for support while we made our way to the Pizzeria.

He opened the door for me and we order four Large pepperoni pizzas.

I was leaning against the counter while Louis was sending me weird glances.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I snorted and I turned towards the employee. I pulled out my wallet but Louis beat me to it. We shared a quick smile and then we picked up our order and left.


Once we got to the hotel the boys were already sitting at the table waiting for food to show up.

"Dinner, is served!" I tried my best french accent but it failed miserably. So I sat next to Liam and Niall. They all laughed at me and I pouted. 

Everyone dug into the pizzas and that caused a massive fight over how many slices everyone got. 

While they were arguing about Niall I grabbed three slices on my plate and left to go into a bedroom. I sat down on the bed and started to eat my pizza in silence. I was staring off into space when the door opened and closed and then the bed dipped next to me.

I looked over to see Zayn. "Why did you leave?" He whined out.

I giggled at his childishness. I have been giggling way too much. So I just continue to stare out the window. 

"Do you hear that?" I cocked my head to one side and then the rest of the boys walked in making noise and laughing. 

"SHHHHH!!! Do you guys hear that?" I asked again. This time standing up, I walked over to the window and there were thousands of fans outside of our hotel. I gasped, "What are they all waiting for?" 

The boys laughed again. I turned to see them, Niall spoke up first, "They're waiting for us to make an appearance or something." 

"Then what are you waiting for? Get out there." I sat down and watched as all of the boys rubbed the back of their necks and looked around, anywhere but me. 

"Ummm we don't exactly go and greet them when they'r in packs like that." Liam explained.

"Fine, it your guys' choice." I walked towards my suitcase and pulled out shorts and a shirt.

"Bedtime!" Louis announced. We all scrammed to different rooms so we could change into pyjamas. 

I was sitting on the couch and one by one I was joined by the others. 

"So there are only two beds this time so, Rain you get one and then Louis, Harry, and Zayn. Niall, you and I will get the couches." Liam announced.

"No, no, no...I'll sleep on the couch and you guys get the bed." I grabbed a pillow and blanket and started to make a bed.

"Rain, you need to get a bed, it's only right since you're the only girl here." Harry persisted.

I just shook my head and got comfortable.

Everyone slumped off to their rooms. So I closed my eyes and lulled off into a deep sleep.

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