You were right, Just a TEENAGE DIRTBAG.

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I can't believe he's here!! This is so exciting!

"Hey Babe, how are you? I mean, are you holding up?" Hunter is standing on the opposite side of the kitchen.  Niall was leaning on the countertops in between us. 

"Ehmmm Yes, I'm doing just fine. I mean, there's been some bumps along the way but overall I'm in one piece." I weakly smiled but it didn't reach my eyes. Niall stiffened, and inched towards me...or more specifically, away from Hunter.

"Rain, tell him about the phone call." Louis was leaning in the doorway, he had his arms crossed and a jerk smirk on.

Hunter stepped towards me, "What phone call Rain?" The way he spoke was quiet and caring.

"N-n-nothing." I backed up to the counter. The thing about Hunter is, he's very protective over me, I'm not scared of him, he's just alot to handle. I already have a headache, and I just want his trip here to be stress free.

He stalked towards me, was standing inches away, and he placed a hand on my cheek, "Raindrop, who called you?"

My tears started to form. I glanced over Hunter's shoulder, Louis was glaring at me, Niall was biting his lip nervously.


I jumped, "Logan."

He stared at me, he searched my eyes, then he errupted. "What the hell?! I'm going to kill that little shit! Why didn't you tell me?!" He had turned away and started screaming, and banging his fists on the counter.

I was slinking down into the corner. My eyes flickered to Louis, he looked like he didn't expect this. He poked the wrong bear.

Just then the other boys ran into the room. I was crying and Hunter was screaming and throwing things. Liam walked over to Hunter and tried calming him down. 

Zayn made a beeline, dodged a thrown plate, and wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me up.

Niall was on the verge of tears, and I don't know why. However, Harry jogged to him and dragged him out of the room. 

"Don't you f*cking tell me to calm down! You have no idea what he did to her! She can't breathe because of this asshole. He will hurt her again!....and I will not let that happen." Hunter slowed to a whisper.

I was shaking and Zayn was tensed. Louis looked ashamed, and Liam was standing near Hunter.

I raised my hands, wiped my face, and then Hunter walked over and grabbed my arms, and mind you that my shoulder still hurts from getting it dislocated on the bus.

I yelped and he dragged me out of the kitchen.

I was just trying to keep up with him. The boys ran after us, Harry blocked our way.

"She's not leaving this flat. Either you leave, or go pick a room." Harry never flinched once with Hunter in his face like a raging pitbull.

"You have no clue what Logan is-" then Louis cut him off.

"Just shut up! We're perfectly aware of how much she's been abused by this wanker. She's terrified, she even flinches at us sometimes. I don't have to explain anything to you." Then Louis walked up and pulled me from the bruising grasps. I stood up and was pulled into Liam.

Louis was striaght in Hunters' face, "Now, I know that the five of us, and our staff of bodygaurds would give their lives to protect her. But I am not afraid to make sure that you're on the list right next to Logan's. You're scaring Rain, and I will not have that. So, why don't you go cool off." 

I hurried up and back into Zayn's room. I was crying, Hunter scared the crap out of me, Logan was going to come for me, and the way Louis stood up for me was really....hott.

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