I know Origami!!! "Paper Folding?"

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I sat in my chair with my hands holding my head up. Louis was sitting across from me, mouth wide open, and worse of all, he was silent.

Liam and Niall excused themselves while Harry and Zayn were trying to talk to me. Paul and the other bodyguards were checking security perimeters.

Louis and I were holding eachother's gazes, he was crying and I didn't know but the room around me was getting suffocated by Zayn and Harry.

"Rain, will you please answer me?!" Harry cupped my chin and made me look at him. 

"What was the question?" I sniffled.

He sighed, "we asked if you were interested in sticking with us until we make sure Logan is in jail. Babe, I want to make sure you stay safe." Harry was petting my hair back while Zayn wiped away some stray tears.

"No, I can't. I mean...that's just too much to ask of you." I stood. Then Louis stood too.

"We're not asking. You'll be continuing this journey with us until we get Logan behind bars. I'm not taking any chances."

He stormed out and Zayn hugged me, following him out. Harry grabbed my hand and led me into one of the back rooms. Liam and Niall were sitting in there crying. I felt so bad for making them cry.

I stalked over to the pair of them sitting on a couch. I knelt down in front of them holding onto their hands. 

"Listen, I am so sorry for putting this all on you boys. You've both been nothing but sweet and carrying and I just....." I paused to think and Liam stopped me altogether.

"Don't apologize. Rain, we're not crying and angry because you told us what you've been through. Love, I don't know about Niall but for me, I am so angry that a man, no a boy would take advantage of a girl such as yourself.Over these past days I know I cant speak for us all and say that we are protective of you already and this just breaks our hearts babe."

I rub my eyes tiredly and there's a knock on the main door.

Everyone's breath hitches. 

I stand, shakily, and Liam places his hand on my back, "Love go stand in the back room with Niall."

We do as he ordered and I hear Zayn going for the door. I whimpered a little, Niall wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his chest. "Aye, don't cry. We'll all protect you." He was cooing in my ear and rocking us from side to side.

There was shouting in the other room and then a door slammed.

We heard footsteps and Louis opened the door. I was cowering into Niall but instantly I walked into his arms.

"What was that about?" Niall asked. He walked past us and stuck his head out the door. 

"Murray came here. He was screaming something about needing to get ahold of Rain before we left Manchester." Louis rubbed my back a little.

I stood up straight and headed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. All of the boys were looking at menus. Paul and the other guards were checking out the view and I saw a mound of suitcases. 

"Liam, are those my bags? I thought I sent them to London." I briskly made a move over to my bags.

"Well you did, but we won't be getting there for a few days and I assumed you'd like to shower and change. We met you in those leggings and tank top." He chuckled a little and I noticed Harry staring at me from across the room. 

"I'm going to take a shower. Then do you guys want to order some food and we'll settle in?" I dragged one of my suitcases to the bathroom. 


After my shower, I dressed into a pair of jeans and a shirt. I left my hair down and dried it with a little hand towel. 

I walked out of the bathroom and all of the boys were streamed around the room. I giggled at their laziness.

"What time is it Li-Li?" Louis groaned.

"Not a clue. Why should I know? Get your lazy arse up and go check for yourself..." Liam mumbled.

"Dude, you're laying next to your phone." Zayn pointed out from the back of the chair.

I just stood in the back of the room listening to them. They were all staring off into space.

"When is Rain going to get out of the bathroom...I'm starving!" Niall complained.

"Shut-up you're always hungry Nialler." Harry barked angrily. 

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" Louis whined out and sounded on the verge of tears. 

I laughed and their heads all whipped upward. I leaned against the wall and looked at Niall. "So 'Nialler' are you hungry?" 

He shook his head vigorously. Louis and Harry scoffed at him, which earned my glare.

"Ok, well I'll go get take away. Anyone want to come with me?" I went and grabbed my wallet. There was an awkward pause from everyone. I just assumed they didn't want to go. So I shrugged and walked out the door.

I walked over and pressed the down button. "Wait up!" I whipped my head over and Louis was running over to me.

I turned away and rolled my eyes. The doors opened, we both got in, and he was standing very far away from me...like I was disease ridden. I just scoffed and then we rode in silence.

When we got to the lobby he led us out the back door and we were in an alley. 

"So where are we going?" He chirped. 

"I don't know. The first restraunt I find that has take away." I walked past him and towards the end of the alley. 

There was a black car at the end and Louis tried to tell me that we should take that.

"I don't want to, you can but I'm going to be walking. It's not going to be that far away." I was just trying to avoid an awkward silence with him. 

Why would he want to come with me? I mean, he hates me and I just can't drop that because now the sympathy card is in play. The chilly air was nipping us. 

"The sun will be setting in approximately one hour so until then we can walk but if it gets dark before we get back I'm calling for Paul." He was authoritative towards me and I just ignored him.

"Since we're alone, can we talk?" Louis bumped me with his shoulder and I looked at him at first with a cold stare but the smile that was dripping off his face was full of despair.


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