Logan, I forgive you.

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I made my way to the kitchen just in time to find Harry fighting Niall over a sand-which. I laughed, picking up an apple and watching all of this unfold. 

"Niall, that's Rains' sandwhich!" Harry was on his back while Niall was trying to position the sub into his mouth, whole.

I started laughing louder and they froze while looking up at me. I just waved at them. Harry looked at me, then at the apple I was munching on. He looked disappointed. 

Hunter made his way in the side door, looking absolutely battered. I rushed to his side, he basically collapsed onto me. Harry and Niall stepped over and held him upright, and we led him to the chairs. 

"Hunter, baby what happened?" I was leaning down in front of him. I was wiping his hair off his forehead. The others made their way into the room and were shocked to see this.

"L-L-Logan and his f-friends." Then Hunter broke down into sobs. His shirt was ripped, and he had scratches and bruises everywhere.

I hugged him and he leaned fore-ward so he was now on his knees and I was on my bum, in each others arms. Both of us shaking, scared to the core. Louis sat next to me, holding aspirin and a glass of water.

"Um mm thank you but that's a blood thinner and Hunter is already bleeding pretty badly. Do you have Naproxen Sodium?" I didn't even bother with a fake smile, I just stared up with complete seriousness. 

Liam answered and ran off for the bottle. Hunter was shaking and gripping onto my shirt. Zayn was hesitant at first but eventually kneeled down beside Hunter and wrapped an arm around him. 

The three of us sat there, no one said anything.

"Where were you, when they came at you?" I finally spoke through the silence. 

Hunter sat up, leaned into Zayn's chest, and took a shakey breath, "Olympic Park." 

I hugged him, kissed him cheek, and walked to the front door. I slipped my brown, leather jacket on, and grabbed my black converse. I reached for the handle when another hand grabbed my wrist.

Louis, I wasn't about to let him stop me either. I was about to protest when he slipped his jacket on. "Let's do this smartly. I'll drive." He didn't have any emotion. I just nodded and we jogged down the paveway to his mini cooper.

I sat there with my knee bouncing up and down, while Lou's knuckles were turning white.

"I don't know why you're coming, and I don't need to know why but I just want to thank you. I appreciate you being here, however, this isn't your battle and I expect you to sit in the car." I was staring  out my window; tears brimming.

He shook his hair, "No, I'm getting rid of this punk. Once and for all."

~Thirty Minutes of Driving Later~ 

We got to the north end of the park, we were maybe five minutes from the side we needed. 

"Crap!" Louis swore.

He was staring in his rearview, I spun around to see Zayn and Niall in the car behind us.

We pulled over, it took me seconds to fly out and get to Zayn, who was driving. "What the hell?!" I charged and poked him very forcefully. Niall and him walked past me. I stood there, jaw open, and I tried to recover quickly.

"So, where is this wanker?" Niall pulled his collar up against the wind. 

"Guys, seriously." I whined out of annoyance. Louis grabbed my elbow and pushed me against the car door. "Rain, there's no way we're letting you go alone. This guy is not someone that you can handle on your own. No matter how badass you think you are." He smirked just a little. 

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