Ya?! WELL, well-Batman and Superman suck!

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I had my head stuck down, avoiding any more hits, and my hands were still filling with blood. Now, now I was crying. The pain was starting to come and it was very painful. 

"Hold on, love, we're almost up there." Paul whispered in my ear. 

So, I was in Paul's arms. Where's Niall? I shifted and my head errupted in waves of terror. 

"AHHHH!" I clutched the sides so that my eyes were squinted.

We were in the elevator finally, "Rain, are you alright?" That was Niall. I opened my eyes, and there he was, standing in a ripped sweatshirt with a concerned look.

"I'm fine, but my head hurts. Really bad." I winced and Paul's grip tightened. He carried me bridal style into the flat. I could hear the boys around the flat laughing and messing around. I was taken to my room and laid down. 

I stayed still, in fear of hurting anymore. Niall was sitting on the edge of my bed staring at me. 

"Rain, I'm so sorry. I just thought I could get us to the door. I was so dumb, and then I couldn't even protect you. I'm so sorry." He sounded shook up.

"It's OK, Ni you lied on top of me and took most of the blows. Those girls out there are just really enthusiastic." I forced a smile for him.

We both were pretending like we weren't scared senseless. He leaned on his knees and put his head in his hand and I resisted the urge to pat his back. Because in all honesty there was nothing that I could do. What we just went through was scary stuff and I wasn't sure if i wanted to stay here anymore.

I was in mid thought until the door busted open and the rest of One Direction rushed in. My heart dropped a little when I didn't see Hunter.

Zayn must've noticed, "He is on his way, we called him before we came in." I smiled with relief.

Harry and Louis bolted to me. "Are you ok?" "Is there anything broken?" They were hovering and I felt claustrophobic. "Can you guess back up?" I croaked out.

They all took a step back but I was still in the center of them and I didn't know if I should mention that I felt really dizzy. Liam and Zayn were checking with Niall and he was giving them the full story of what had happened.

Then Hunter burst through the door, "Raindrop!" He ran to me and started hugging me, "What did he do to you?!" Hunter stood up and turned to Niall.

"NO!!" Everyone screamed out. 

"It wasn't Niall! It was the fans!" I sat up and tried reaching for his arms. Harry caught me from falling over. 

Hunter glared at the boys, "EVERYONE OUT!" Hesitantly, they all got up to leave. "Except you Liam."

The room cleared out, I was laying down, and Hunter was standing next to a nervous Liam. Hunter closed the door then went into the bathroom. I put my hands on my face and wiped it. Great, I'm covered in blood still. *Note my sarcasm.

Liam walked over to me, he didn't say anything, his pitying smile did it for him.

"Alright, Rain I'm going to get you in the tub while I talk to this fresh little gumdrop here." He winked at Liam. I giggled then Hunter picked me up and took me to the bathroom. 

I moaned and Hunter tsked me, "Those are inappropriate sounds for a prude little girl like you." I fake glared until he "accidently" bumped me against the cabinet.

He set me down on the toilet lid, and I saw my reflection.

I gasped, "Louis saw me like this!"  I tried wiping blood off. Hunter just smirked and raised an eyebrow at me.

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