I'll throat punch you!!!

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I was sitting in the back of the van when we hit a bump and I smacked my head against the window. 

"OWWWWW..." Harry and Niall said at the same time. Louis snickered and I glared at him.

"What are you laughing about?" I snapped. He stopped laughing, looked kind of hurt and I immediately felt like crap.

 I rolled my eyes and stared at the back of Zayn's head, Zayn has really pretty hair.

"You're right, he does." Liam giggled. Crap, I didn't mean to say that outloud. I slouched and shivered a bit, I was still only in my tanktop from earlier. 

"Here." Louis placed a grey hoodie over my lap. I just nodded in reply. I feel like a jerk now. We just kept going forward and the car was very silent. I have no idea where we're going and I just want to get out of the car. 


I was dozing in and out of conscienceness when the car lurched to a stop and I slammed my head against the seat in front of me. Luckily, Liam made me buckle up. Unfortunately Louis wasn't wearing one.

"BLOODY HELL, WHO TAUGHT YOU HOW TO DRIVE ZAYN?!?!?!" Louis was mangled all over the center console. I unbuckled myself, and climbed over Niall and Harry. 

"I love this view baby." Harry smacks my butt and snickers. But the closer I get to the door, I kick him in the stomach. Followed by and 'oof' I smile victoriously.

I get out and stand up. Liam and Zayn are both out. I look around and there's nothing in the way, or even another car for that matter. "Zayn, why did you slam on the breaks?" I pop my back all the way down. 

"Ermmm funny story," he rubs the back of his neck, "I thought that I saw something." 

Louis jumps out after Niall. Than Harry slides out. "What the actual f-..!" Niall is staring at Zayn while Liam walks over to me. "Are you alright?" He places a hand on my back and I simply nod. 

I walk a couple yards in front of the van, there is a large wheat field on one side and then a thick, wooded, forest on the either. I stay very quiet and close my eyes. 

"Liam, guys! We need to get out of here." I turned around and standing there was a Giant Grey Wolf. My heart sunk, my breathing quickened, and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't see the boys.

Two minutes. That's all the time it took for the wolf to get from where I saw it in the tree line to being only six feet away from me. I had tears drip, drip, dripping down my face. It was still inching towards me.

Just as I started to feel my knees buckle, a gunshot rang in the air and a group of hunters came out. The wolf's attention was no longer on me, but on the Hunter's who were being led out by the group of boys that I've been traveling with.

The wolf started to inch away from me and taking steps towards the woods. I baby step backwards until I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I'm whisked away back to the van, it was Louis.

The wolf runs back into the woods, and the hunters bid ado following him back in. 

I lean against the hood of the car, all of the boys rush over. "Are you alright Rain?" Harry checks me over while Liam is checking my forehead, temperature. I push away and laugh at their actions. "Yes, I am perfectly fine. Thanks for your concern but I think we all need to keep moving." 

Zayn gets in the way back with Liam, Niall and Louis both hug me and climb in, leaving me with Harry. He's just staring at me. "What do you want?" I snap. He smiles cheekily and walks up to me. 

He cups my face and he goes to kiss me, but I'm not interested. I smack him on the side of the head and he yells, "The the hell?!" I smile sweetly, "Don't touch me."

I jump in the car and Zayn took up the whole back seat so I'm stuck between Niall and Harry. Liam is driving with Louis as the passenger. "Only one more hour until we get to the port." Liam calls out.

ok, i need more followers people!!! i only have one!!!! :'( pwease.....

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